Friday, October 28, 2022


Lawyers are like used car dealers. They cheat and lie and represent falsehood. Their only aim is to take the money of the unsuspecting customer. It is not a coincident that most politicians have law degrees. They know how to double talk, how to mislead the public. The public's interest is the furthest thing in their mind. The aim is to assure a bright and financially rewarding future for the time their glory days end.

Why am I lamenting this? Because whenever we turn on the tv we are bombarded with political campaign ads. The incumbents who never cared for the public come on showing how interested they are about our well beings and how much good they did during their terms. While the challengers are showing how bad the incumbents were and how good they would be. These people go on and promise everything well knowing that they will not deliver but hoping to garner the votes.

I love to watch the campaign appearances. Candidates meet the people, kiss babies and promise the sky. The funny thing is that they always want to look like they are one of us and the men wear open necked shirts, no ties or plaid shirts. This costume will not make them seem everyday Joes.

They don't realize that with all these campaigns they are degrading the voters by indicating they assume we are all stupid and need guidance. They believe that people are like sheep, they have to be led to the water.

Don't tell me who to vote for. I will make up my mind when the time is here. And that time is when I will be in the voting booth. 

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