Saturday, October 22, 2022

Nostalgia, again

Life is getting more and more complicated as the time goes by. Do you all remember when it was so simple to get a cup of coffee from any diner, luncheonette or coffee shop?  The only question the server usually asked if you wanted it black or with milk? Well, those days are gone.

Now to get a simple cup of coffee you have myriad choices. Cappuccino, latte, flavored, with or without whip cream, type of milk from goat to any four-legged animal and probably even more choices. Many times, I felt embarrassed to go into Starbuck and just ask for a cup of regular (overpriced) coffee. They always gave me the hey, you slob what are you doing here, you don't belong to our elite club look.

The same goes with teas. Whenever we went to a restaurant and asked for te they used to bring the hot water and a Lipton tea bag. Now there are questions, what kind do you desire then they bring a box with about two dozen different types of teas in it. 

Years ago, we left home, went to work, got home in the evening and then discussed the day's events. Now, everybody needs three hands. The third one is to hold that frigging cell phone without which people seem to be lost. There is constant, non-stop communication going on between people. Abigail feels that if she does not instantly answer her messages, she will miss out huge social happenings. Without any attention to other people's current status, it is always expected to immediately respond to any communication regardless how mundane the subject might be. In older workplaces a telephone was not always available, yet we all survived. How? There used to be public phones everywhere

The same goes for water. We used to leave home, got to wherever we were going to and if it was absolutely necessary drank a glass of water. Now everybody drags a bottle of water with them and every few minutes take a sip. What causes this humongous thirst? Or is this just a fashion statement?

This world is getting crazier and crazier by the minute! 

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