Sunday, June 18, 2023

pride again

I really don't understand why various groups of animals are called by different names. Do they understand that this how they are designated or let's say discriminated? I don't think so. Maybe if they would know they might complain. But what is the use of complaining? Nobody really cares about anything in this world.

Lions are one of the most ferocious animals. Their anger, hunting skills are well known. There is the male lion then there is the female lion. They travel in groups wit one male overseeing his females and whenever he feels like it, he mates (what a life). Never with another male but always with a female. The offsprings born as males or females! None of them ever has the urge to become anything else than what they were born to. None of them ever have the psychological controversy that would make them want to be other than what they biologically are.

So, why are they called the pride? If lions would understand that their groups are named the same as the LGBTQ movement, they would really get pissed. They are one of the  the most normal animals in the world. The males are the males, the females are the females, and the babies know where they came from and who their parents are. I never heard of a transgender lion.

Now, why belittle and insult these majestic animals by calling their groups pride?

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