Tuesday, April 12, 2022


New York City has a new black mayor. He won last year's November election on the platform that he is black. He garnered the black votes and the votes of other people who just didn't want to go up against him. Once in office he surrounded himself with blacks. The police commissioner is black, and his inner circle of advisors are all black. Every speech he makes he emphasizes his race.

Ever since he took office crime escalated in this city. It looks like it is a free for all as far as crime goes. Every day the nightly news broadcasts are full of shootings, attacks, robberies and other crimes. In many instances closed circuit cameras record the acts and without exception the bad people are always black. Now, is this a coincidence? Why is it not the in the description of the bad person? I think that is the most important fact what the person looks like. Black, oriental, white, Indian or anything else. But in today's world that description is taboo. 

If our society would be colorblind, which unfortunately it is not characters like Al Sharpton would be out of work. It is in their interest that there should be discrimination because that is what keeps them going. New Jersey senator Corey Booker, NYC mayor Eric Adams, vice president Kamala Harris are the biggest racist in the book. Their motto is if it is not black it does not count.

So, where is equality? Why was it so important to choose a mediocre candidate for the Supreme Court? Because she is black and a woman! That is why. The New York City mayor won the election on the back of the black voters, and now crime is running rampant in the city. The new police commissioner, a black woman replaced a white pc who was fairly successful but under this woman things are getting worse and worse. I don't know if the police were given instruction to show restraint with the black perpetrators, but the reality is that thing are going downhill.

Why those security cameras never show any white, oriental or indian people?


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