Saturday, April 2, 2022

Ukraine, again

 Back to Ukraine

In my opinion if I am asking for help, asking for assistance, the worst thing to do is demand. Demanding will not result in anything but being scorned. But that is exactly what the Ukrainian PM is doing. He is demanding, and harshly criticizing those who don't provide what he demands.

I am not saying that he is not smart, and he does not have his country's interest in heart, but does he not realize that fulfilling his demands would definitely lead to WWIII. No one country is worth starting a new world war and nobody in his right mind want to create an excuse for such a calamity.

I think Zelensky is so narrow sighted that he does not care about the possible outcomes if his demands are met. It seems to me that in his thinking if his country goes down then might as well the rest of Europe should go down, too. 

We already lived through WWII and it was terrible. To start another WW is unconscionable because I believe we have no idea how terrible that could be. Furthermore the last world war skipped the US but now with the improved technology there is no place on Earth that could be safe from destruction. Now, I wonder if Mr. Z knows this or even cares.

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