Tuesday, April 5, 2022


It supposed to be springtime. Spring usually ushers in nice and mild weather, the end of winter. But this time I think winter likes it so much that it does not want to leave. In short, it is uncomfortably cold and wet. According to New York City law apartment buildings must provide heat when the outside temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Well, lately it does not go much above 45 degrees, and that is pretty uncomfortable for my old bones. 

This world is going to the dogs. Nothing is like it supposed to be or as we are used to it. The trouble with living long is that we get used to things and when those things change, we complain. But complaining is a right we, old(er) people have. In today's world we don't have too many rights but complaining is one of the few.

There are two reasons we complain. One of the two is because we know better. We lived long, we did everything and with that come experience. As much as we remember everything we did was done perfectly. And that gives us the right to complain.

The other reason we complain is comfort. Every change in our lives come with exerting more energy than we really want to. That makes these changes uncomfortable and that is a capital reason for complaining.

Putting these two elements together, and God created the grouchy old men.

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