Sunday, April 24, 2022


Here is the reason why I was tardy with my "work".                                                                                      In the past couple of days, a lot of unexpected (by me) assignments came my way.  Actually, there are times when I have several ideas and then I sit and write a few days ahead. The problem with that is that then I tend to forget that I should write again. And that is what happened now, I was very comfortable doing nothing and just didn't think of sitting down and write. Sorry!

Yesterday (Friday) I had a very trying day. Besides doing my stuff, my wife announced that in the evening she would like to go to Friday evening services. There is nothing wrong with this. We occasionally go into Manhattan to the Central Synagogue or to Temple Emanuel. Yesterday she said she wanted to go to Temple Emanuel. Ok, I said, what should I wear?

For a long time I didn't have a decent piece of clothing on me. I live in warmup pants and tee shirts. I love the pants because as I said earlier they are very forgiving. But one can not go to a temple in warmup pants, right? So I started a long and upsetting process of finding a pair of pants that still fit me. At the end I succeeded! I found the pants, the shirt and jacket. Now, I have to remember for the next time I have to dress up. But still this is very upsetting when one can not close his pants in the front.

My wife, Abigail and me went into the City and to the temple. It was very nice service, about an hour long and since I have no idea about the Hebrew language it helped that the service is primarily in English. After the service we drove home and had a very nice Passover dinner. It was a long day but it turned out very well.

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