Thursday, April 21, 2022

Don't drink and drive

Don't drink and drive!

That is the slogan to be found everywhere and this is what is stamped into our brain the day we start to drive. And this is true. I am a great believer in this rule. And that is why I foin d the following very interesting.

The country, the highways, the cities are filled with gas stations. Lately most of the gas stations expanded their operation to sell food and drinks to the driving public. Fine, there is nothing wrong with that. Chips, candies, coffee, sandwiches etc. The bigger the station, the bigger their market is, and more varieties can be found.

One of their best sellers are alcohol! Beer and wine in abundance. Now, I am sure a guy does not run down to the corner gas station to buy his beer for the home instead going to the supermarket or liquor store. Most of these shoppers are the drivers on the road. A six-pack for the next stretch of a trip will come very handy!

I know AAA is fighting for various road safety issues and I am surprised this issue never came up. Probably because if it did it would have found tremendous resistance from gas station operators. If this is not a double standard, then I don't know what is.

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