Sunday, April 10, 2022

What happened Friday

If it ain't broken don't fix it!

This is the old American adage we go by. Actually, I think men go by this more than women. In my opinion, men are more relaxed about their environment. As long as it is comfortable, why change it? Change is tiring, it costs money, and one will not be able to find anything in their usual places.

But women look at this differently. They see things at places where we see nothing. In their minds they are constantly searching for better solutions. Why is the need for always changing things? Quoting My Fair Lady, the musical ...Why can't a woman be more like a man? But no, they must have their way.

That is exactly what happened last Friday. I mentioned before we live in a large, comfortable apartment where everything has its own place. One of the rooms we converted to an office with a desk,computer, fax machine, printers, etc. My wife uses that room.

A little while ago she decided to rearrange this good arrangement. Ojvej, said I. Yesterday, Friday was the day of rearrangement. We have an enormously long sofa in the end of the living room. So, my lovely wife decided that the sofa would go into the office and everything else would go to its place. This involved moving furniture, relocating a wall mounted tv and our cable company sending a technician to rearrange the cable connections.

Thankfully our building super is a good guy and he helped with the heavy work. The cable guy was here for almost two hours in the afternoon and did the relocating work. We have a desk that is large and heavy that and the sofa had to go through that door that is not very wide. Lots of grunting and cursing but they succeeded. My wife and the super did all the lifting, I was the advisor. 

After all the drillings and relocations were completed the super left and we started a certain amount of cleanup. A little after 4pm the cable guy arrived. He also moaned and groaned when he saw what was needed to be done. But heroically he completed the work that lasted about an hour and a half.

After he left, major cleaning. I spent most of the day on my feet just helping here and there, my wife did most of the work. By the end of the day, around midnight we were both dead tired.  it is understandable why I skipped my regular edition. 

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