Monday, April 18, 2016


Last two weeks Abigail had to take some serious tests in school. They were hard and nerve wrecking. Fortunately she completed them all with good results.

She and her friends decided that when the tests were over they would go ice skating. Well, today was the day.

Not far from where we live is a huge City park, the scene of the two World's Fairs New York City ever held and in that park there is a very large sport complex open to the public.

In one half of th building there is an olympic size pool while in the other half there is a good size indoor ice skating rink. This rink is open all year round.

That is where her and her friends went. Naturally we chaperoned the small group and stayed a hole watching the kids to get their acts together. None of them one how to skate so it was a funny sight at first but being kids they quickly learned the tricks of balance and managed the slippery environment.

Since I spent many years in my youth at the ice skating rink in Budapest I was itching to put on skates and go out on the ice but did not. I didn't want to make a fool of myself just in case I don't skate as well as I think I do.

So, while the kids skated we went out on a nice large walk in that park. Today was beautiful day, the park was full and we had a good time together. We saw blooming cherry trees that was a first for me. I ever saw any.

We just had a great adult time out there.

Afterwards the kids and us went for a late lunch (sat at separate tables) and the day was over. Right now Abigail is having muscle pains in her legs but that was expected. She didn't fall much so her backside  does not hurt.

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