Friday, December 10, 2021


Today we took our Hyundai back to the dealer for a recall service. I actually like recalls because the thing is their fault, and it costs nothing. So, for whatever complicated reason the car fell into a category that necessitated a recall.

We had an early morning appointment, but like any other appointments it meant nothing. First come, first serve is their motto. Well, they took the car and told us it would take about three hours. We kind of prepared for this. After checking the surrounding area, we realized that we were within walking distance to a Romanian meat store that we know. So, we walked over. BIG MISTAKE!

To go to a store on an empty stomach is unforgiveable. We bought so much goodies that we had a hard time carrying it back to the car dealership. The goodies included all kinds of cold cuts that are really appreciated by my Hungarian palate.

Back at the dealership I was talking to the sales manager, and he told me they have only about 27 cars on their inventory, and 10 of those are unsaleable. So, the situation is really critical. I really do not understand where our president is when he announces that unilaterally there are no shortages. The showroom was empty, there were no costumers, the salespeople were sitting around doing nothing. This is exactly the way it was back in the 1950s in the soviet ruled countries. Car showrooms were empty, one could sign up for a car and maybe six months later he got one. 

Interestingly, the area where this dealership is located is well known for all brands of cars. It used to be filled with car transports daily bringing in the new automobiles. We drove through it today, nothing. Used cars there are plenty of, new cars zero.

By way, we waited three hours for our car to get it ready. Just like at the doctors' office.

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