Tuesday, December 21, 2021


What goes around, comes around, or history repeats itself. 

Last year this time we were in the middle of the pandemic and its restrictions. Then as the numbers slowly eased up so did the restrictions, at least in New York City. Restaurants, theaters, movies and all other public places opened up to give life a semblance of normalcy. I am not saying that we did not like it and were not eager to return to a life known previously.

The entire covid thing took a form of political ping pong. Some states believed it and adhered to the guidelines, some states did not and chose not to follow the guidelines. To true American form some people objected to the restrictions while others observed them. Nobody knew what was to come. My wife keeps saying this virus is not like train that comes and then leaves, this is here to stay.

Right now, it looks like she is justified in her comment. With the Delta variant and the Omicron there are new dangers lurking in the shadows. Nobody knows what vaccines work and what vaccines have no effect. Nobody knows if the booster shots are good for the current variants or not. Bottom line, nobody knows anything! It all depends on who is hollering the loudest. Unfortunately, this is still a political issue.

A week ago, we went into Manhattan for Friday night Sabbath Services. The temple was full of people, attendance was good, and we really enjoyed it. This time, a week later service was front of an empty house. Because of the virus the temple returned to the way services were held this time, last year. No worshippers and rabbis webcasted from home.

I really like soccer (football) and watch it whenever possible. There are lots of matches from England on tv. Lately they are all played in empty stadiums. Very depressing to see this.


With old age comes forgetfulness. At least this an excuse one can use. I, simply forgot to write for last Saturday. My apologies to the multitude of readers.  

1 comment:

  1. I suppot Chelsea becasethe owner, Roman Abramovich is supporting jewish causes and the fight against antisemitism. Read up about him.

