Thursday, January 6, 2022

Trip 3

It doesn't cost any money to be friendly. That is a fact. I can not understand why some people are unfriendly, and continuously grouchy. I am not talking about myself! I am talking about people we came across while we were in Florida.

Maids, who clean our rooms and really only see the dirty and disgusting side of the visitors are going out of their ways to be helpful and friendly. I know that is the basics of the hospitality industry, but when you are the maid, day in and day out you are just the maid. I have a favorite motto: if you are not the lead dog, the view never changes!

I had the chance to talk or ask people around the resort and found each and every one to be friendly, including the visitors. Try that in New York. Unfriendly and curt. They would rather push you under the subway than give you the time of day. I have the tendency to talk to people in the elevators or in the parking lots and I never came across anybody with an unfriendly attitude. Maybe the weather contributes to this. Constant sunshine, bright and pleasant days make pleasant people.

So, our vacation lasted a few, action filled days, then it was time for the marathon trip home. I can not say it was a breeze. We left around 11 am and drove relentlessly until we got home which was around 3 am next day. In many places we hit unexplainable traffic that reduced our progress to stop and go but we prevailed and made it home ok.

In my personal opinion this is not a pleasant trip. It is long and tiring. My wife is used to it because she made this trip more times than I but it is still long. I used to drive to the south, Florida or Georgia but we always stopped for the night. Actually, for Florida we used to stop for two nights. But with Robin with us, stopping at a motel is not that easy. And since Robin is an essential part of the family, leaving him home is not an option.

Still, now that we are back in dreary New York we are ok, I am ok, and the trip is now a memory (until the next time).

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