Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Cost of a fill up

It is unbelievable how the price of gasoline went up. In our area one gallon of regular gas is around $4.39 but there are stations where the price is as high as $4.99. I don't know if it exists in this country but in some European countries the price of gasoline is regulated, and all stations charge the same price. 

That is not a bad deal because the difference between gas stations is the brand and the station's general atmosphere. But here there might be four gas stations at an intersection, one at each side, different brands and they will all have different prices.  Actually, because of the competition each will try to be below the other guy.

It is very interesting that whatever negative happens in the world the price of gasoline will immediately increase, but when the price on the world market goes down it will take a while until it reaches the local gas stations. I don't understand how this works. 

One time I had my car filled up at a particular gas station for a reasonably good price. After filling up we went shopping. On our return we drove by this same gas station, and I noticed that the per gallon price was lower than what I paid. Naturally, I went in and complained.

I was told that since I left, they had a delivery, and that gas was at a lower price. That was why the price change.  I never knew that each tanker truck carries its own price tag.

Anyway, besides Ukraine the center news is the price of the gasoline. It is terrible and people are veery upset about it. But Americans are funny. They complain about the high fuel price, but traffic is just as bad as before. Nobody is willing to give up the use of their car. It is better to complain than to sacrifice one's personal comfort.

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