Thursday, March 3, 2022

Show of shows

Yesterday was the day for the State of the Union message the president presents annually to congress. Last year there was none so this time it was the first for Mr. Biden. I watched it and found it very entertaining. Biden was dancing around issues, stayed away from reality and made promises knowing that they wiould not be kept. A 100% politician.

The inflation, high price of gasoline and prescription drugs, unemployment were mentioned but just vaguely without offering any remedies.

The vice president, Kamala and the speaker of the house Nancy were sitting on the dais behind Biden. Nancy Pelosi is a joke! All throughout the speech she had a stupid grin on her face showing absolute happiness of the subjects mentioned. She behaved like a proud parent watching her child perform. When she was not grinning, she was busy pushing her dentures back and keeping them from falling out.

A few times she tried to talk to the vp but even she ignored her. She was very busy tracking the speech from her copy that at times she even forgot to get up or to sit down. I think pelosi had a spring iserted into her anus because she kept jumping up and applaud with such a vigor that it is not possible without any mechanical aid.

Schumer who is the majority leader (for now) did the same thing. Applauded and kept grinning like an idiot. I am an equal opportunity criticizer. The minority leader (for now) sat in his place expressionless and with no movement. I wasn't sure that he was alive until he blinked.

At his entrance and departure, the democrats fall all over each other in order to get near him and suck up to him while the republicans couldn't care less about him.

This whole event is a circus. Even better than Barnum & Baily used to be.

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