Wednesday, March 2, 2022


I know I wrote about this before, and it is not old age where one gets to repeat himself. This is something that I keep seeing and it bugs me.

I have total faith in doctors. I never second guessed my doctors and I never questioned any procedure or medication they ever prescribed me. With that in mind what we, the common people are supposed to do with the myriads of prescription medications that are being advertised on television?

Do they think that I will go to my doctor, my specialist and present him or her with the name of that particular medicine and question why that is not what was prescribed? A doctor will prescribe a medication that in his opinion is best suited for that particular ailment or condition, taking all preexisting conditions into account.

Doctors really hate when a patient is diagnosing himself and requests a particular medicine. That shows absolutely no confidence in the doctor. These medical advertisements should be in the medical journals and not on tv. 

Businesswise they are big advertisers and tv stations must love them. Hell with the ethics of it all.

Something else

More and more doctors agree that the booster shot is causing problems. It affects the immune system and causing dormant ailments to come to life. We asked several doctors, and each said that they heard complaints related to the booster shot.

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