Sunday, March 13, 2022


People are basically very stupid. Late 1930s and in the 1940s Germany made the Jews the scapegoats for everything, and the population believed it. They worked themselves into a frenzy with their Jew hatred. The infamous Kristallnacht was a perfect example of it.

Now, thanks to the politicians and the media a similar monster is lurking in the shadows as far as the Russians are concerned. Why do people have to hate the ordinary Russian who has absolutely no connection with the government is a mystery to me. Actually, it is not a mystery. People always needed somebody to hate. That is human nature.

Russian businesses, primarily small businesses are run by people who came to this country to escape their communist government have absolutely no connection with the current Moscow government. Their only "crime" is that they are Russians and as such they should be hated.

Why the Hutu hate the Tutsi? The same black people. Why the Sunnis hate the Shia? Just because some ideological differences. But they are the same Muslim religions. And I could go on and on. There is always a need to hate. And that is n=surfacing now with this Ukraine Russian affair.

Historically, Russia never liked Ukraine and when they were part of the large Soviet family they were tolerated, even given a role in world politics. But after the Soviet Union broke up all the old lovey-dovey relationships soured, and Ukraine became an eyesore for Russia. And people here in the need to hate somebody begun to hate whatever is Russian. 

Only time will tell how this sensitive situation will eventually get resolved. But we all pray that resolved it should!


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