Sunday, August 7, 2016


Today we had a very nice day. We met a good friend of ours and his wife and a had a three and a half hour long lunch. We do this about once a month. Our record of longevity is about four hours so far.

We don't eat all this time but we do talk a lot. All kinds of subjects are covered and time really flies. The length of our get togethers kind of limiting where we can go but we found a nice place nearby where we are not bothered.

Tonight we were invited to my wife's son for dinner. He loves to cook and he prepared a very nice spread for the family. There we spent "only" two and a half hours.

Just to set the record strait our lives do not revolve around eating. We actually don't eat a lot. But having a teenager in the house we must provide some kind of a regularity, with eating I mean!

he weather currently is hot and muggy. We don't have strong air conditioning system so I just hope we will be able to sleep. In two and a half weeks we are heading to Las Vegas where currently the temperature is 105 degrees. So we better get used to the heat.

As the saying goes "if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen". This had nothing to do with anything but I figured I write it anyway.

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