Monday, August 8, 2016


Today is Sunday and it turned out to be a very nice day. In the morning Abigail went over to her brother to spend the day with them which left the two of us alone.

Being a beautiful Summer day my wife and I decided to drive into Manhattan  and go Downtown where the antique fairs are. We were there a couple of times but each times one can discover different things. We spent a considerable time there and came to the conclusion that a bigger collection of junk is difficult to find.

Antique dealers are like car dealers. They cheat and lie. They see a patsy in everybody who stops at their stand. They start at $200 and eventually give it away at a "total loss" for $150. For me their credibility is nil.

But we had a good time. After that we went to Central Park where we met Abigail, her brother, his girlfriend and their dog. We walked around for an hour then we left.

Being a gorgeous day Central Park was filled with people. It was very crowded but was not unpleasant. I have not been to CP for many years and I am not a great fan of CP but I have to admit this time I enjoyed being there.

After we parted company my wife and I drove back to Queens and went to our favorite Polish restaurant for a bite to eat. It was a good bite and when we left we felt fulfilled.

Came home, rested a while then went to pick up Abigail.

End of a nice Sunday.

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