Monday, May 31, 2021


Today is Sunday. The second day of the three day Memorial Day weekend. I honestly believe that the democrats arranged this, that now second day in a row it is raining and the temperature is 46 degrees. It is totally miserable.

New York City housing rules say that when the temperature is below 55 degrees buldings are required to provide heat. So, it is May 30 and we are supposed to have heat. But I think the super got instructions from his boss to let us freeze to death. He probably is a democrat.

The apartment is unpleasantly cold. Outside is a total loss. In addition to that Abigail decided that tis afternoon we will have a family tv evening. We let her chose whatever she wanted to see and she chose The Muppets.

I fell asleep a few times but my lovely wife made sure that I don't miss any part of that interesting movie so she woke me up each time.

Anyway, it is now on my resume that I watched The Muppets.

Sunday, May 30, 2021


They say the dog is man's best friend. He gives unconditional love and does not ask for anything in return. Rarely holds a grudge and is not jealous. He learns his master's habits and adjusts to it by conforming his lifestyle to match his. What other thing in this universe can match that kind of behaviour?

Our elastic waistbands!

I heard in the news today that because people are returning to work in large numbers suit sales are up. Also people are buying larger sizes because sitting home for a year, the older suits do not fit anymore. I find this very funny. Because of the pandemic people were home doing nothing but eating, naturally their girths increased.

I have not had a suit on for over a year. I don't know that the clothing I have fit me anymore. For over a year now I am wearing warm up pants and I tell you they are conforming! So, my Adidas is my new best friend. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021


On May 20 I wrote titled Exhaustion. Well, this was not the end. To explain what happened here is the prologue.

I snore and toss and turn while I sleep. Also I apparently talk during sleep (no secrets divulged). So, my wife moved to another room for sleeping and Robin went with her. That other room at this time has no air conditioner installed, and the summer heat around us it did become pretty uncomfortable.

So, what did my wife decide? To rearrange the furniture in our living and dining rooms as well as that little room. This involved major furniture movements. Obviously, I am not much of a help in this kind of work , we asked our building super to come and help lifting the heavy pieces, which he did. This work lasted for a while.

Even though I did not lift much, I had my share of doing stuff. After everything was in its place came the major cleaning. This was my chance to shine. And I did. 

There is a Hungarian saying about cleaning that you only clean where the priests dance. That is thou I do it. But when my wife is around I have to be more thorough, and that is what ehausts me. Yesterday was unfortunately thorough day end of the day I was falling asleep at the tv. And when I finally went to bed I just immediately went gto sleep.

Now, what genes a woman has that we lack that suddenly, out of the blue makes her to rearrange the furniture in a perfectly well organized environment? I am already scared to think of what is yet to come!


Thursday, May 27, 2021


I tell you why a day was skipped. I wrote a very nice and honest (I think) article yesterday about a sensitive subject, but my better half, my muse thought it would be safer not to air it. Thus the omitted day. 


I have a very nice doctor who the other day told me an interesting story. His 10 year old son is into bears. He reads all kind of literature that deals with findings about bears. The doctor told me that a wild bear eats about 200,000 wild blueberries a day. Now, why is this interesting?

Because when they autopsied dead wild bears there was absolutely no evidence of any cancer cells in their system. Contrary to that, when bears that lived in captivity were autopsied all their systems showed evidence of cancer cells. 

What can we learn from this? Eat a lot of blueberries to escape the danger of cancer. Not 200,000 a day but a lot.

Somehow science never mentioned this either amongst things that science keep secret. I do believe that science keeps the world population captive by withholding important information and that way we are at their total mercy. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lazy Sunday

Sunday was pretty exhausting. The weather was gorgeous, it was summery hot, so we decided (actually Abigail decided) that in the afternoon we go out. So we packed Robin in the car and drove out to Brooklyn to the seashore.

We know this neighborhood well and we like it. Primarily upper class russians who live in er. We drove there and undertook a gigantic walk. Robin's feet got one inch shorter because he wore them out. My tongue hung to the street but I managed and kept up with the chicks. We stopped for pizza, then on the way home the girls went into a russian supermarket and bought all kinds of goodies.

Basically we had a great time, no arguments, no diagreements.

This area (as many others) is filled these huge palaces the russians had built. When one builds a big one the other one build one a few inches or feet larger and this goes on and on. Some are really nice but some are totally tasteless, primarily because of their efforts to outdo each other. In my estimation none of them is less than a mill.

We walked around, enjoyed the quiet streets, spent a little time on a nearby beach then headed home. End of a nice, calm Sunday afternoon. Robin and I were so tired after all that walking that we almost fell asleep. Actually, Robin did. I had things to do.

But, by this morning (Monday) it was all but a pleasant memory.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Shot

 A world collapsed around me. I have to deny my believes, I am forced to do something I do not believe in. In short, I am forced to take the vaccine!

Here is the reasoning. Abigail's college announced as well as all City and State universities did that students will not be allowed on campus without the vaccine. The way my wife explained it by getting the vaccine they will inject the virus into the person. So, Abigail walking around the house with the virus, it makes us more vulnerable to catching it.

Me being at this advanced age might even be more susceptible to it, my wife less so. So, we are making slow arrangements for this event. I am absolutely not a happy player. And, getting it I will remain to speak out against it because I do believe this is something that is being forced on the population without adequate clinical trials, and it is forced on by an incompetent president.   

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Newsmax is a republican leaning (leaning more than the Tower of Pisa) news station that annonced the results of a new poll today, according to which the majority of voters see Biden not finishing his four year term but passing the baton to Kamela Harris.

This is similar but not the same as when George Wallace, the former anti segregationist Georgia governor offered the governorship to his wife for the term he could not run. Little bit complicated but it was done.

All by prearrangement behind closed doors. This is what goes on in Washington at the highest level. Very scary to say the least. There was political influence peddling in this country on every level as well as all over the world but I for one always had the believe that the White House was free of it. I guess I was wrong.

One lives long enough sees too much, and has believes shattered.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Sad, very sad

In Los Angeles some palestinian sympathizers attacked jewish diners in a restaurant. A Princeton University publication in New Jersey released a statement signed by alumni, students and faculty asking Israel to stop bombing and in other words defending herself.

This country was always a great friend of Israel but under biden this is rapidly changing. The current political climate gives voice to anti Israel and antisemitic feelings. I wander when Princeton and others will start publishing Mein Kampf. This way they don't have to reinvent anything just use the manual.

This is a very scary times we live in. Once the 1940s were over we all lived in a false security that something like that can never happen again, And not in America! How wrong we were. The Covid scare wakes up the monster that is dormant in all humans. The vaccine rules create a government sponsored discrimination that nobody thought would be possible. Sad, very sad.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


8:30 am - Getting up. My wife informs me that I should hurry up and get ready because we have lots of things to do. Ok, said I.

9:30 am - We are going to Home Depot to buy a small caliber window air conditioner. Because of the current heat wave we were sweltering in the apartment. We have two a/c here in the building in storage, a few more somewhere else in storage but we needed a third one for today.

11:30 am - My wife with help from the building super is hosing down all the windows from the outside. We are living on the ground floor and that is not a big deal. My job is to make sure all windows were closed. They were.

12 pm - The building super begins installing three window a/cs. This lasted a few hours. In the middle of it my wife had to leave because she had to drive Abigail to an emergency socializing with her girlfriends and thus left me alone with the big bad super.

3 pm - All done. The air conditioners are installed and the apartment is very comfy. Now we start cleaning. My job is dusting the furniture and vacuuming the floors. Naturally, I do this voluntarily. I said it before that my darling wife is a clean freak. No cleaning is good enough. Once a week we do a once a season major cleaning and this bugs the heck out of me. But if I want to eat I better keep my mouth shut.

Around 5:30 pm we noticed a funny odor in the air and realized that Robin did the unthinkable. Emergency street walk, washing his backside and cleaning wherever he did it.

6:45 pm - Scheduled walk around the block with Robin

7:30 pm - My wife stepped into something that don't belong inside the apartment which resulted in another major cleaning. Robin now is in the doghouse!

Now it is 8 pm, and the day is not over yet. I wonder what lurks in the shadows.

Retirement should be quiet and relaxing and I am still waiting for that!



Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Octopus of life

Muslim countries have a special police force, popularly (even though they are not popular) called the Religious Police. Their obligation is to make sure everybody upholds the religious laws of the Koran and other Muslim laws. This refers to clothing, man women contacts, entertainement and other things. In some countries they roam the streets and even whip people who do not observe. The ones who are observants are not necessarily believers, they just don't want to get whipped.

Well, I think we are heading in that direction, too. Not long we might have a Vaccine Police that will roam the streets, stop people to check if they were vaccinated. If not found satisfactory they will get some punisments doled out.

Every day they (the government) are coming out with new and more confusing rules dividing the vaccinated and the  non-vaccinated. They are so confusing that more and more they are like a huge multi limbed octopus who gets tangled up in its own limbs and eventually kills itself.   

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


There is a very low key pharmaceutical advertising on tv. It is called Monoclonal Antibody. It's claim is that it cures Covid-19. It is very interesting that there is a medicine like that and at least I never heard of it. If this is a real medication why was it kept in the dark when the pandemic was at its worst?

Who made the decision that now it can be advertised and at the same time who made the decision that it should be kept in the dark? This medication is being advertised sporadically but the airwaves are being saturated with so called public service annoucements about the benefits of the vaccine.

If I never had any doubt about the vaccines the hard push ads are now creating the opposite effect. Now I do not believe a single word they are saying. The president. the politicians, Fauci and others are so busy pushing it that the entire thing looks very fishy to me.

Some people I know got the shot while some did not and not planning to. We are not in a race to see who will be healthier, we hope boths sides will remain healthy.

But regardless, as time goes by this thing smells very political.

Monday, May 17, 2021


I wrote about 373 articles in this blog since it started in 2016. Being in advanced age and "reduced" mental capacity which is the result of age, I really do not remember every subject I wrote about. That may result in some kind of repetition. But be patient with me because even if the subject is the same the words will be different, and since time passed I have different outlook on things.

They say that people whose mother tongue is not engl tongue as they get older. I am trying to fight this, that is why I started to write thisish have the tendency to revert to their native blog.

When I worked, I spoke, wrote and thought in english. Now that I am retired and live in a Hungarian household keeping english alive is not easy. Abigail is 19 and she is the one I converse the most in English even though she is fluent in Hungarian. Actually, Robin is native born american he is bi-lingual. He understands quiet and shut up.

When I speak Hungarian I have the tendency to mix it with English only because some expressions come easier that way than struggle with a non-exact translation. My Mother always told me, on my visits, to mix hungarian with english. This was her way of showing off her son. I have a close friend who grew up in this country, and his father thought him not to mix the two languages. This resulted in him struggling to find satisfactory translation to everything he wants to say. Most of the time I already know what he is trying to say while he is still struggling to find words.

When I was young I could never imagine how a person could be bi-lingual. Now that I am, this is normal. What I can not understand now, is how a person who grew up with using only his native language for 1/3 of his life can forget that language.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


This administration is going crazy about the vaccine. Both the federal as well as the local governments want to come up with something that will mark the people who took the vaccine versus the people who did not. In stadiums they want to establish separate seating for the ones who took it and the ones who didn't.

Now, I ask. Is this discrimination or what? Why is this any different than the one back in the 40s and 50s when there was a segragation between blacks and whites? When the blacks had to sit in the back of the bus. Why are the ones who did not take the vaccine are being segragated from the others?

This kind of thing brings back painful memories of the 1940s in Europe. During Nazi occupation it was mandated that Jews had to display the yellow Star of David on their clothings when they went out to the streets. Is it there where we are heading now? Is it that kind of discrimination we are looking forward to? Because if it is they might as well paint swastikas on the walls and on the American flag and make mandatory to hail the chief with arms raised! 

I am surprised that the ACLU did not raise any complaint so far. Is it legal for Shake Shak to offer free burgers for the ones who submit? Is it legal for Ohio to offer $1million lottery for those who submit?

What will happen to the ones who resist? Will they be forbidden to attend public events, to go to restaurants, to stores? Will society ostracise them in the future? Like in antiquity they did with lepers?

Will the Declaration of Independance be revised and this be changed "...that all men are created equal..."?

Saturday, May 15, 2021


"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration notified Congress this week that it will send millions of dollars in U.S. assistance to the Palestinians aimed at promoting peace with Israel even as violence between the two sides rages."

This news item appeared today on the internet. Biden is sending $10 million now as part of the $100 million promised earlier. By protracting the currently ongoing violence he should be held responsible for all the destruction and loss of lives.

The man is insane! Finally, America has an insane president. 46 presidents before him and none of them were infallable but the 47th is the absolute worst. He is bringing shame to this country and its citizens.

The United States was always a staunch supporter of Israel under every recent president. This man has shown his true colors. He hates Israel and he hates the jews. This what the Democratic party put on the throne.

Schumer must be very proud!

Friday, May 14, 2021


Yesterday I forgot to mention what started me on my outburst about our zombie president. Lately, in this area the price of gas went up to $3.35 a gallon. This is outrageous! Thank you Mr. Z(ombie). Two years ago gasoline was around $2 a gallon, now it is almost twice as high. This is unbelievable! This man is creating inflation by spending the taxpayers' money like crazy.

If gas prices go up everything else will go up because oil is running the world. Is this the democratic way? Or they will just blame this also on the pandemic as they are constantly doing?

They say Jimmy Carter was a loser. It took him four years to earn that designation, but he did receive the Nobel Peace prize. This man is in office a little over 100 days and already earned the title of loser.

People are ambitious. They are never happy with their achievemnts, they always want more. History did prove and will prove that they would have been better off if they stuck to their original jobs.

George Bush, the elder was Reagan's vp. Wanted to be president and on Reagan's coattails he got it. He was not a great president, never made it to second term. Should have been satisfied with what he achieved: CIA director, UN ambassador, vp.

Jimmy Carter was governor of Georgia. Wanted to be president. He got it. With the exception of the Israeli/Palestine peace didn't do much else. Never made it to two terms.

Joe Biden was senator from Delaware for 36 years and Obama's vp for 8 years. Wanted to be president. He got it. He is boring, low key and too old for the job. I am convinced he will not make second term. I doubt he will make one term. Should have stayed sitting on his laurels.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


We have zombie president. This man is a disgrace when he stands up to talk. Barely awake, muffles his words, doesn't take his eyes off the mechanical device that scroll up his speach, mispronounces words. It is bad just to look at him.

And he was elected to save the country! The people who elected him must be blind if they believe he is their leader. Right now he is spending money like crazy. This is how he wants to turn public opinion towards him. If he keeps doing this he will bankrupt the country.

Right now a tragedy is unfolding in Israel with the Palestinians. They are bombing big cities creating a terrible situation. This president sent money to Palestine and if not directly but he is financing the attack on Israel. For how long the American Jews will stand for this antisemitic sentiment? Now, that because of the dire situation he is sending some official over to try to broker a peace. In my opinion, too little too late.

It is ok, when miss kamala becomes prez things will be dofferent. Or not.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Saturday afternoon, at broad daylight there was a shoting at Times Square. Some people, actually two brothers got into an argument and started to shoot at each other (nice family). A four year old little girl got injured in this thing.

This happened on Saturday. Times Square always has a pretty strong police presence, but Sunday and Monday, according to the news it was wall to wall police. I love this Monday morning quaterbacking. Do they really believe that if something bad happens the bad people will go back to the scene of the original crime?

Whenever something like this happens on the subway the police put extra patrols on that station or train assuming the culprits will return. They rarely do. 

I am not a police expert but I do think they do this to ease their own minds and not to assure the public. Crime prevention is more important for us, common people than being protected against non existing dangers.

In the old gangster days, maybe in Chicago or New York there was a judge who that as long as these gangsters were killing each other it was all right but when innocent people got hurt that was a different thing (or something like it). I agree with this sentiment.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


I don't remember (as usual) that I wrote about this before but if I did, here it is again. 

It is very interesting why the local media never mentions the negative effects of the vaccine while the european media is openly discusses this subject. They quote scientists, doctors and family members about the tragical results the vaccines caused.

This is tabu on this side of the ocean. If the media is controlled they are very successful because they are mum about this subject.

I can not believe that all those brains in other parts of the world are inferior to the american talent. It is not possible because if we look closer most of the so called american talent are expatriats from other parts of the world. So, by coming here they became smarter then the ones left behind?

All this controlled information just does not make any sense. Why do they want to keep us in the dark? And who are the they?

According to information from outside of this iron curtain, application of the vaccine has tragic results in many places. No wonder many people who are better informed are turning away from submitting themselves. People in the health business, doctors included have no trust in the system and just refuse to avail themselves and their staff to the vaccine.

This is a sad situation where every day it becomes more obvious that the Coronavirus vaccine is nothing but a political weapon.

Monday, May 10, 2021


I love watching Mecum auto auctions on tv. I see cars or similar ones I used to have and think back if I kept my old cars what would have been their worth today.

There was a 1960 something Ford Mustang that was auctioned of for $35,000. I had a 1980 or something like that way back then for a few years. I know I didn't pay more than maybe $10,000. It is mind boggling how the values of these old cars go up.

Yes, they have to be kept in good shape and people are also investing money in refurbishing them, but still. As the commentator on these broadcasts says there are several original parts in these cars.

Just like us. We are old models with lots of original parts that are still working.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


I allways thought that retirement is like sitting around and do nothing useful, absolutely nothing. How mistaken I was.s

When I worked, I got up in the morning, went to work, got home around six or seven, had dinner, watched a little tv then went to sleep after the 11 o'clock news. This was the routine most of the time during the week.

Well, this not the routine now. I got up around 8:30-9 in the morning and keep going with very little intermissions all day into about midnight. My wife, God bless her, is a clean freak. The apartment has to be dusted and vacuumed every single day. There are other things too, but these two items are my chores. So, every program we might have which are currently not too many, revolve around the scheduled cleaning. In plain english, this is a pain in the "donkey".

Abigail is not doing much, she hides behind her studying so I get to do enough. These plus other things in helping my dear wife in our everyday life keep me pretty busy. It is good and bad. Good because it keeps me occupied, bad because sometime I just want to sit down and do absolutely nothing. But I guess I am just too young to do nothing! 

Saturday, May 8, 2021


Today, lacking doing anything useful we went and looked for new cars. Not that we want to buy one but ours is two years old and has enormous mileage on it. So, it is just a question of time when will be the right time.

Our current car and several of my previous cars were Hyundais. I personally think Hyundai is a great car, that is why we stopped at our dealer and lokked at the new additions. My wife saw a model caled Palisade and wanted to see it. She has great taste, this is one of the more expensive cars they have.

We have an SUV and that is the type we want. This car starts around $50,000 and then goes up. Well that was getting that car. Then we looked at the Santa Fe model. We used to have one and that is a great car. Its MSRP is $42,000 but by the time it is finished it went up to $47,000.

This increase was done with a sticker next to the regular new car poster. There were some words I couldn't understand, so I asked a salesman for explanation. 

He said that because of the chip shortage they have a certain model shortage. And due to that shortage they jack up the price of the ones they have in stock or they can get.

I am not sure if this is legal but certainly it looks like highway robbery to me.

Friday, May 7, 2021


In 1961 one of the worst murderer of the nazi regime, Adolf Eichmann was put on trial in Israel. For his safety, he was sitting in a (probably bulletproof) glass cage. This was the first time I saw such an enclosure. Little I knew then that today these things will become parts of our evyday life.

Banks noe have bulletproof shields between costumer and teller, subway token booths are enclosed with bulletproof shields, in every store the cashiers and costumers are separated with plexiglass shields. In casinos at the tables the players and dealers are separated from each other. Casinos should be fun but these separators take the fun away from being there. Players like to talk to each other but these items take that possibility away. 

The result is that people will think twice if it is really worth the time and effort to go to a casino.


ABC TV has a daily talk show called The View. Whopi Goldberg (not jewish) is one of its hosts. Yesterday she said that she thought the necessity wearing of the mask would be around during her lifetime. 

Maybe so. But my opinion is that even if they lift the restriction she should be wearing one because that would be to her advantage. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 The mentality of teenagers is beyond my comprehension (at least the ones I know). Selfishness runs rampant among them. There is absolutely no consideration about others, all they care is themselves. Their amusement and relationships run their lives. Parents' only purpose in life is to be at their kids' beck and call.

They can not tell what is important if it is not in their interest. Abigail is promised to go over to her girlfriend's house which necessitates transportation from my wife. In the meantime my wife got an important phone call that could not be interrupted.

Did Abigail care? No! She threw a tantrum that she had to be at this girl's house by whatever time, like if a train was leaving. And what was so important? Nothing! They would sit around, have lunch, play games, whatch movies.

This is what I meant by saying they do not grasp the meaining of importance. Actually, they do. If it is important for them than it is important, otherwise they don't care.

And it is not just Abigail, all her frienda arde like that, and that is very sad. But on the other hand they scream at the top of their lungs that they are no longer children, they are adults. 

The sad truth is that they can not even wipe their behinds without the parents.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


My darling wife (biz hundert un tsvantsik) blames me for everything under the sun. The other night we were taking Robin out for his usual midnight pee stroll. I am not fast, I have my slow pace getting ready. So, she tells me that I should hurry up. I am putting my shoes on, putting on my jacket, getting my keys ready and she tells me to hurry up. I am hurrying as much as I can.

Behind our building is a parking lot and we usually go through there on the way to the street. Robin loves to pee on the grass in the lot. So, we go through there the usual way crossing through the gate.

As soon as we step out to the street Robin starts to bark at the top of his lung and that bark is returned by a similar small dog that was lurking in the shadows a few steps away. My wife is attempting to quiet Robin down which was not an easy task when two dogs are "talking" to each other. I am nervously waiting for the neighbors to start holloring to shut the dogs up.

To make matters worst it starts to rain pretty heavy reducing our around the block stroll to running back into the building.

Now why this description? Because my wife's remark was that if I were faster we would ha missed the rain and also would have missed that other dog. All that blame for being 2 minutes slow. Does this count as elder abuse?


Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Traditionally in Hungary May 1 is the official start of summer and it lasts until August 20 that is Saint Stephen Day. Here in this country the unofficial start of the summer season is Memorial Day and it lasts until Labor Day. Both work out to about sixteen weeks.

The interesting thing is that right now on May 3 it is chilly outside and absolutely not summery. So it is a good thing that here the summer season does not begin until the end of this month. Even then, good weather is not guaranteed. 

On the other end of the season there were many years when good summery weather lasted far past Labor Day, into October.I remember we used to go out to the beach many times in early october.

Now, wasn't this fascinating?

One more thing. Why August 20 in Hungary. Saint Stephen was the first christian king of Hungary 1,000 years ago and he christianized the country and August 20 is his name day. You see, I do know my history! All that studying was not in vain.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Mothers Day 1

Today is the first Sunday in May. Traditionally, in every part of the world it is Mothers Day. Except in this great country. Here world traditions don't mean anything if it is not related to business. In the timeline (several feet long) of world history this country's tradition is about 1 inch long.

Anyway, years ago in 1907 it was decided that Mothers Day in the US will be celebrated on the second Sunday in May. I don't know why but that is the way it is. For people immigrating from other parts of the world this is very confusing.

But it has a silver lining. Anybody celebrating the traditional way will find that things cost less now than they will next week. Restaurants don't have the overpriced special menus, restaurants are not yet filled to capacity, flowers are still priced the regular way, and other stuff.

Good old american businesses have the tendency to jack up prices for certain holidays in order to take advantage of the increased demand.

But here is my age old question. What about the rest of the year? Do we love our moms only today?  

Sunday, May 2, 2021

My blog

I write this blog sometimes during the day. It always depend on what very important assgnments I get from my better half. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening. I always make sure it is published the next morning.

I have a very good friend who lives in the UK. To make sure he gets to read it (if he wants it to) I schedule a 12:30 am publish time. That is 5:30 in there. I'm sure he is not up that early, but I am a very considerate friend and I don't want him to lack this little contribution to brighten up his day.


Yesterday I watched an Oscar winning (2021) documentary on Netflix. It is called My Octopus Teacher. Very interesting, I advise watching it. It is about interaction between a man and an octopus. This is a real story, from South Africa.

This is not just an ordinary nature movie because it has a storyline. Besides the beautiful photography the story is also interesting. Very moving I admit it. 

You see this where life took me. Now, I am watchingfilm  octopus movies!

Oh, even though this movie is not x-rated there is serious octopus sex scenes in it.


Saturday, May 1, 2021


Sen. Ted Cruz laughingly admitted that it was very difficult for him to stay awake during Biden's speech before Congress. He didn't make a secret of it that he found it extremely boring. At least this man is honest. This was just a note on the prez's speech.


Right by our front door there is a fire hydrant. In New York City it is mandatory to be 15 feet away with a car. Why am I saying this?

There is an svu parking there about 6 feet away for the second day with Texas licence plates. They put a heavy boot on its front wheel. I don't know who puts it on in New York but I'm sure it is some kind of authority. I also don't know why it is booted. It is because of the parking or it is because they own money or other police affair.

Anyway, right now that is about the most exciting thing happening in my neighborhood. As you can see, I live a very busy and eventful life.