Saturday, May 1, 2021


Sen. Ted Cruz laughingly admitted that it was very difficult for him to stay awake during Biden's speech before Congress. He didn't make a secret of it that he found it extremely boring. At least this man is honest. This was just a note on the prez's speech.


Right by our front door there is a fire hydrant. In New York City it is mandatory to be 15 feet away with a car. Why am I saying this?

There is an svu parking there about 6 feet away for the second day with Texas licence plates. They put a heavy boot on its front wheel. I don't know who puts it on in New York but I'm sure it is some kind of authority. I also don't know why it is booted. It is because of the parking or it is because they own money or other police affair.

Anyway, right now that is about the most exciting thing happening in my neighborhood. As you can see, I live a very busy and eventful life.

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