Wednesday, May 5, 2021


My darling wife (biz hundert un tsvantsik) blames me for everything under the sun. The other night we were taking Robin out for his usual midnight pee stroll. I am not fast, I have my slow pace getting ready. So, she tells me that I should hurry up. I am putting my shoes on, putting on my jacket, getting my keys ready and she tells me to hurry up. I am hurrying as much as I can.

Behind our building is a parking lot and we usually go through there on the way to the street. Robin loves to pee on the grass in the lot. So, we go through there the usual way crossing through the gate.

As soon as we step out to the street Robin starts to bark at the top of his lung and that bark is returned by a similar small dog that was lurking in the shadows a few steps away. My wife is attempting to quiet Robin down which was not an easy task when two dogs are "talking" to each other. I am nervously waiting for the neighbors to start holloring to shut the dogs up.

To make matters worst it starts to rain pretty heavy reducing our around the block stroll to running back into the building.

Now why this description? Because my wife's remark was that if I were faster we would ha missed the rain and also would have missed that other dog. All that blame for being 2 minutes slow. Does this count as elder abuse?


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