Thursday, May 27, 2021


I tell you why a day was skipped. I wrote a very nice and honest (I think) article yesterday about a sensitive subject, but my better half, my muse thought it would be safer not to air it. Thus the omitted day. 


I have a very nice doctor who the other day told me an interesting story. His 10 year old son is into bears. He reads all kind of literature that deals with findings about bears. The doctor told me that a wild bear eats about 200,000 wild blueberries a day. Now, why is this interesting?

Because when they autopsied dead wild bears there was absolutely no evidence of any cancer cells in their system. Contrary to that, when bears that lived in captivity were autopsied all their systems showed evidence of cancer cells. 

What can we learn from this? Eat a lot of blueberries to escape the danger of cancer. Not 200,000 a day but a lot.

Somehow science never mentioned this either amongst things that science keep secret. I do believe that science keeps the world population captive by withholding important information and that way we are at their total mercy. 

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