Tuesday, June 22, 2021


I was born in Hungary, I grew up in Hungary, at least my fist 20 years. I love Hungarian food and a few other things. I lived through WWII and the ghetto period. Thank God my immediate family and I survived the persecution. I don't dislike Hungary but I came to the conclusion that Hungarians are a garbage people.

They are lowlife, discriminating, hating everybody people. They hate the jews, the gypsies and their next door neighbors.

Short story: there is a very popular Budapest soccer club who has an ultra right fanbase. This club was close to going broke, going out of business. A Hungarian jewish businessman came to the rescue and bought this club and infused enough capital to keep it going. Now what did the "grateful"Hungarian fans did on the first match under the new owner? They put up signs saying "the train is leaving to Auschwitz".

Unfortunately, this hooligan mentality is spreading everywhere and the government is not doing anything to curtail it.

Recently an israeli movie was shown in Budapest. The movie basically criticized the orthodox way of life but it was still a tatefully done true story. The Hungarian aboriginese criticised the movie and threw all kinds of hurtful things at the orthodox and jewish people.

This hatred is there, buried under a false facade, and waiting for the first sign to wake up. That is why it was easy for the nazis to find sympathizers and helpers in their programs. During the soviet times this was all hidden but when the Soviet Union stopped existing and Hungary became the master of its own future old hatreds started to come alive. Just hoping that it will not go too far.

But, garbage can change its color, but the smell remains.   

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