Tuesday, November 2, 2021

2021 Halloween

As I mentioned it, my first day in this country happened to fall on Halloween. Neither I nor any of my traveling companions had any idea what Halloween was, what it did represent. It took a few years until I really understood the importance or rather the meaning of it. I purposely changed it from importance to meaning because as far as I am concerned it has absolutely no importance.

As I can see it this is a typical American event created to fill the gap between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. It is a chance for merchants to sell more candy, chocolates and silly costumes. I don't want to sound like a grouchy old man, which I probably am, but to me the entire Halloween thing is a waste of time and money. 

Some people go crazy about it and naturally go overboard, while some people really don't care about it at all. In our family, Abigail goes all crazy about Halloween. She thinks it is the holiday of holidays. Like this year, she dresses up as the black swan, went into Manhattan with her girlfriend who also dressed up like something else and were wandering the streets convinced that everybody was looking at them. If I dared to criticize Halloween I got rebuffed and called old and crazy. 

I bet if I ask anybody on the street about the meaning or origin of Halloween, not one person would be able to explain it. I know that Abigail has no clue.

I think that this year because of the virus the entire Halloween thing went flat. They had a parade in the Village but in our building for example there were no kids going around ringing doorbells asking for candy as it used to be done.

So, we bought a bunch of candies to give away but there were no takers. I think I will volunteer to help to reduce the backlog.    

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