Sunday, November 14, 2021


At the earlier stages of my working career in this country I worked in construction. Those locations were all over the city, in the outskirts, out of the city or not near any civilization. If the workers did not bring any food with them there were no places nearby where one could go and eat. This situation (I think) created the birth of the coffee truck. These were small trucks very well equipped to carry hot and cold stuff. Coffee, hot water, soup, sandwiches, cakes, cold drinks etc. 

they always knew where these construction sites were because they showed up around 9:30 in the morning and just before 12 noon, every day. I initially brought food from home (I was a poor refugee with no money) but later in the summer months it was not very easy to store the food, so I also started buying it.

The other day I saw such a truck on the road, so they might still be in use today. But what is becoming more and more popular are the food trucks. These trucks are almost as well equipped as a restaurant kitchen and they offer a large variety of food.

Near where we live in one city block, there is a Hispanic (I don't know what kind) truck, there is a Chinese food truck and there are two Halal (that is Muslim kosher) trucks. They seem to be very popular because there are always people lople liined up and they were occupying the same spot for quite a while. I know that in other parts of the city there is a Polish food truck and I'm sure there are Greek food trucks. And, God knows how many different types there are.

In Manhattan around the offices these are pretty popular because they have very low prices and people like that. Restaurants on the other hand are up in arms about these because they claim they take their customers away. I like the Halal food and we buy it occasionally. They have beef, lamb and chicken varieties and they are all good. There used to be a Hungarian truck but I think it evaporated some years ago.

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