Friday, July 1, 2022


Whenever there is a kind of assembly with a larger number of people, applauding is inevitable. It is interesting to see how certain people do applaud. The styles vary as much as many people are there. Applauding is not something they teach in school, it is not even being taught by one's parents. It is something that should come natural to every civilized person.

Yet, styles do vary from the childish clapping to a very serious banging one's hands together. There are people who's applause look like seals clapping with their flippers. There are people who bang the bottoms of their hands together while there are some who create a deep sound with their fists. These last ones are very annoying because they overwhelm everybody, and their clapping can be heard over all noises.

Some grownups clap like little kids who just saw some miracle. While it is cute on a child it looks ridiculous on an adult, and they just don't realise it. Some people clap non stop, They clap like their life depends on it, just don't want to stop it. In Hungary and I'm sure other Eastern European countries rhythmic clapping is the norm. I think it dates back to the soviet days because that was the wa they did it during Stalin. But the habit stayed. 

Anyway, for me watching other people clap is an entertaining thing.

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