Sunday, July 10, 2022

Hilton 2

My Hilton saga is continuing. It is frightening the number of people who answer costumer service calls and have no clue how to solve problems. They make believe they have all the answers, yet they have none. They come up with non-answer responses just to get rid of us. And when I insist that I need to speak with a supervisor they make every effort not to transfer you.

The routine response to such a request is, well why don't you just tell me what this is all about and then we will see. No way will they transfer you to a supervisor. I am convinced that they have standing orders not to connect and also there is no supervisor.

I had the misfortune to call costumer services a few times and I am not even sure that these people don't work from home. There is always so much background noise and frequently children's noises that I am convinced these people work from home. Hopefully in this country!

Years ago, I listened to a very wise old man on the radio who always maintained that if we want to get certain things taken care of, never deal with an underling. Go straight to the top. And exactly that is what I did. I wrote to the president of Hilton and explained my problem. I hope he can persuade his people to look into what happened. I am very hopeful that something good will come out of this.

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