Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Back in business

The long weekend is over and now back to the grind! This is what we used to say, when life was more fruitful. But now that just does not apply any longer. Long weekend or short weekend has no special meaning. Since in New York everything is open seven days a week it is hard to tell weekdays apart from weekends. In my neighborhood the only difference is that being predominantly Jewish, all stores are closed on Saturdays.

When I worked, I used to like these three-day weekends. If the weather was nice, it was always good to have it. Now we are having seven-day weekends. It is called retirement! Being a nice guy, I always root for the working people. This time they were very lucky. The three day, Saturday, Sunday and Monday were beautiful. Sunny and hot every single day. I could just imagine how crowded the beaches must have been.

Saturday and Sunday we were not home, went on an overnight trip to Ohio. This was a business trip and we figured going in the middle of the weekend we would miss traffic. And we were right. I wouldn't say the roads were empty, but nothing compared to Monday when everybody was heading home. This is a seven to eight hour drive and fortunately my wife loves these long haul trips. I don't drive, my job is to keep her company and that means I can not fall asleep at all. That is the hardest part of the trip.

This time it was just the two of us and Robin. Abigail spent the weekend with a friend. Robin really likes car travel. He behaved admirably. He slept most of the way. He is allowed, me no! Is this fair?

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