Wednesday, July 20, 2022


I mentioned before they are working on the facade of our building. To say that they don't make a mess would be lying. At the end of each day there is dust and small pieces everywhere. My wife and I usually go out and hose down our windows and walls to get rid of the dust. 

Yesterday, Monday they didn't work because it was a rain on, rain off day. I guess when they don't work they don't get paid. Today it was a slow start and later I didn't see anybody working again. Today it was the heat. I think when the temperature gets to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, they just don't work. I can understand that. It is not very pleasant working in that heat with the sun beating down on one's back.

Just wonder what these delays will do to our schedules. So far they lost about five days because of weather. The apartment is fairly comfortable. We have portable a/c units in each, and they keep every room pretty livable. Since these a/cs are going all day long I wonder what our electric bills will look like.

Everey day Con Edison sends out messages about the heat and how we should control the use of electricity. Air conditioners are to be used when it is hot outside and not when they are not needed.

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