Sunday, July 24, 2022

Congress, again

Yesterday, I started my tirade against the clowns who sit in the House of Representatives. Today I am continuing it. Like I said, these people are running around beating their chests screaming I am a representative, I am a representative! Beside themselves, who do they represent? There is a communist (OC) and a Muslim who is openly antisemitic in their numbers. These certainly do not represent the American people.

This past Thursday they took their circus on prime time tv. This joke of the January 6 Commission went on live tv to air their hearing. Do these people honestly believe that the American people really care about what happened way back? Or this just part of ringmaster Pelozzi's plan to continue discrediting the legally elected American president?

What is she hoping to achieve republicans into that commission just to show hou with this circus? She placed a few republicans, like Chaney into the commission just to show how bipartisan and fair she is. She wouldn't know fair if it would hit her. Pelozzi's anti trump behavior is sickening, childish and ridiculous. Like her tearing up his State of the Union speech. 

Why there is no commission and hearings about the current inflation, the high gas prices, the shortages at the supermarkets? Because all these and more are caused by her beloved and senile democratic president. Why there is no investigation about Pelosi's son in law, Michael Voss being at the Capitol on January 6. Every report about him had been erased. Why there are no Congressional hearings abou Biden's son, Hunter about his cxrooked dealings? Because daddy is the president and Pelosi will not go up against him.

The American people would be more interested in a "cause of inflation" hearing than prime time January 6 stuff, where these members act upset and read their prepared speeches and ask their pre rehearsed questions.

In November there is a new election coming up. All these jokers are up for reelection. If the democrats' numbers are up, come January 2023 all of them will be looking for work. Nobody can tell me that they are not looking out for themselves! 

Good country, America!

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