Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Sunday night was the 2023 Grammy Awards presentation. I had the misfortune to watch it. Simply because there was nothing else to watch. It was the biggest waste of my time. This show is nothing else but a night of self congratulations, screaming, inside jokes, bad music and even worse singings. The so-called artists are nothing but a bunch of lucky individuals who kissed the right behinds to get to wherever they are.

If today's youth like this kind of music I really feel sorry for them. I noticed that one thing these performers don't do. It is at the end of their numbers they do not bow for the audience. They just stand there with smug grins on their faces like saying come and adore me. That is not the way a true artist behaves. Even Pavarotti bowed before the audience, and he was a real artist.

Their fashions were atrocious. There was more decolletage than a man would really like to see. Every woman at this evening was convinced that they should show as much as possible. I think if law would permit it, they would be happy to show up nude.

Why all songs have to be screamed? I really don't understand it. There was also a mentioning that Hip Hop (whatever that is) was 50 years old and this resulted in an idiotic screamfest between a multitude of groups. Unpleasant is not the word. I have to note that Hip Hop is black and thus all the groups were such. The audience to show their patriotism stood during this very long number. I don't think there was anybody who dared to stay sitting!

The way I understand it only loud music was mentioned during this presentation. There were no classical numbers or artists noted at all. Very sad.


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