Friday, February 3, 2023


Everybody is complaining about the weather. At least here in New York. We are having snowless days and above average temperatures. It looks like they are making the tv weather people responsible for all this craziness. Like they have anything to do with it. If it is winter why it does not behave as winter should?

It seems we had record snowless days here, at least until Wednesday morning. When I woke up the outside temperature was 29 degrees Fahrenheit, and everything was white. At least the cars and the grass. So, the weather people were off the hook. We had snow! Actually, by noon it was only in our memory because all of it disappeared. But knowing the way news work I am sure the news people will make a big thing about it.

The only bad thing that in preparation, during the night they salted everything and that is not very good for the dogs. Salt gets stuck in their paws, and it irritates their skin. That is why it is not unusual to see dogs on the street with (dog)shoes on. We bought some for Robbin, but he is so small that he keeps losing them. So now we are just watching where he puts his feet while walking him.

I tell you, he's got it made.

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