Thursday, February 23, 2023


Yesterday (Tuesday) was a major day for me. I was totally overhauled. Not internally but externally. I had a pedicure, a manicure and a haircut. I usually have these once every six weeks or so. During that time my nails grow and with my longer hair I look like an old madman.

I go to this older Russian barber who thankfully does not charge me by the amount of hair he cuts. Everybody says that in my age I do have a lot of hair. As far as I remember nobody was bald in my family. My father had sparser hair but was not bald so there is no reason why I should be. Actually, that would make my life simpler. No money for haircuts and no reason to buy shampoo.

My nails also grow pretty well, and they do need to be professionally cut. Years ago, I stubbornly rejected such pampering with the exception of haircuts but lately I really don't mind. A little pampering doesn't hurt at all.

This all purpose hair salon is owned by a Russian couple and all of us, except Robin goes there. It is not upscale, very neighborhoody and even though they are Jewish Russians, actually they are Uzbeks, they are very nice. Also, the store is not far from us.

So, now I feel like a civilized human being.  

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