Sunday, August 22, 2021


America had made itself the laughing stock of the world (again). This administration is very quickly losing its credibility in the eyes of their allies and sympathizers.20+ years ago the US vehemently supported the Taliban in its fight against the mighty Soviet Union, who for some political reason wanted Afghanistan. The US supported this fight with weapons and advisors. 

This war was the Soviet's Vietnam. Winning was not in their cards either, and eventually in 1996 they withdrew leaving the Taliban and their primary supporters, the US as the winners. This honeymoon did not last long. After about five years the world lost its enchantment with this regime and the US went back with blazing guns to create a law and order country.

This didn't work out too good either. The Taliban, using the weapons they got from the US resisted, and a long war ensued that technically just ended on August 15, with the Taliban taking over the capital of the country and the Americans leaving with their tails between their legs (like Vietnam).

Right now Afghanistan is in the headlines across the world. All eyes will be on them to see how their future will turn out. Now, only time will tell how this new system will work out. But, I do believe that within 5 to 10 years the major powers will find a reason to go back with guns blazing.

1 comment:

  1. Jo Alzheimer Biden is not fit to be a president. Impeach!
