Sunday, August 8, 2021

Olympics, the end

I am very sad to see the Olympic games over. Sunday is the last day, the day of the closing ceremonies. and it is over. At least for a year, because next year is the winter Olympics. With this one year sliding the games the wait will not be that long. Instead the four year wait it will be only three this time.

I will miss it because it was very refreshing watching something original, interesting and mostly without politics. There were sports that I found boring, there were some I found interesting and refreshing.

The other day I was watching the men's 50km walk. It was held in Sapporo. What a nice city. The race took over three hours and I found it very interesting. Handball is fast and good to watch. So is waterpolo. Mountain climbing's speed portion showed wat a human is capable of. Those people went up on a vertical wall like spiders. 6-7 seconds and they were on the top. Unbelievable.

There was a little too much basketball and volleyball for my liking and conversely not enough rowing. But since NBC had at least six channels that showed the Games I was always able to find something interesting to watch.

Anyway, time moves on and another interesting and refreshing item is over.

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