Friday, August 20, 2021

Weddings again

As I mentioned it before, I was my friend's best man on his wedding, 58 years ago. The service was at a roman catholic church.  Due to the archaic rule of the church, I as a Jew was not permitted to sign the wedding register. Thus, the bride's brother stepped in and did what had to be done. I guess the Vatican's animosity toward Jews prevailed.

This restriction was eliminated in later years, because my second wedding (17 years later) took place in a catholic church and my best man, who was Jewish was permitted to sign whatever documents needed it.

How the world changes with time.

As I noted I was married in a catholic church. Initially. I wanted a mixed ceremony with a Jewish rabbi and catholic priest (which can be done), but when I found out how much the rabbi charged and how much the priest charged, I said hell with the double event. Rabbi shamelessly had a high fee, while the priest and church use cost nothing. They said whatever I feel like to pay is ok with them. I liked this attitude.

At that time before a catholic ceremony it was required to attend a pre-cana class. This class explains the basics of Christian family life, regardless of the religion of one of the parties. We needed proof that we attended this class before proceeding with the service.

Participants were mostly bright eyed, bushy tailed young couples ant the beginning of their adult lifes. I think we were the only "veterans". The speaker was a young strapping looking priest in civilian clothes.

Interestingly, when he started to speak he looked around the room and said that he was wandering how many of those present would still be married in five years from then.

Thinking back at this 58 years is an unbelievable achievemant!

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