I fell for an advertisement. I rarely do but this time I did. As I noted before they ara working on our building and because of that we are unable to have our window air conditioners installed. The outcome of it is that our apartment became almost unbearably hot. We bought two portable vents from Home Depot which did very little except mixed the already hot air.
So the other day I saw an ad about a wonder cooler by the name of Chill Well. According to their ads they are the answer to everybody's prayer for cooler rooms. Humongous ad campaign. No matter where I turned, they were. They also had a 50% sale. Their ads swore on a three-day delivery time. I thought this was too good to be true, so we ordered three units.
The three day delivery time turned into eleven days and their customer service line does nothing but plays classical music. I called them several time and not once was I able to get through. Now that I have their stuff, I am convinced that this is a scam. They talk about good return policy but don't tell you how to return the merchandise. Now that is on and working it or they just don't cool as well as expected.
My wife got impatient while we were waiting for delivery and ordered three similar units through Amazon. The Amazon stuff we got next day. The Amazon ones are working well (knock on wood!) but no ice cold air anywhere.
I mention the name Chill Well in case somebody is thinking buying from them. Scam, scam, scam! Live and learn!