Friday, June 17, 2022

Quiet life

I like the quiet life. But living in a metropolis that is not possible. There are noises a person can get used to than there are noises that may annoy us to no end. I noted before that we live on the first floor in a garden apartment like setting. Because of the ongoing exterior building work, we were not able to install our window air conditioner units. The warm, summery weather made it necessary to open our windows to ventilate the apartment. 

In the bedrooms our windows are slightly ajar and that is where all the noises come in. Bus noise, truck noise, motorcycle noise, people talking and because we are on the landing pattern for one of the major New York airports the constant plane noises. These are that make it almost impossible to sleep much past 7am.

I read somewhere that airplanes have a three-minute separation before landing. I timed these before and they barely make one-minute separations, and they come straight over our building pretty low.

New York City had its first black mayor, David Dinkins between 1990 and 1993. He was a tennis fan and one of his very few accomplishments was that he had the landing pattern to LaGuardia Airport changed during the US Open tennis tournament in order not to annoy the players. Today, nobody cares. In my building there was a Chinese woman who went around collecting signatures for requesting such a change. I told her, good luck, this is a waste of time.

I think if I would live on a farm in a total country setting, I would find the quiet deafening. I would miss the city noise, I'm sure. 

We are never satisfied with what we have.

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