Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Electric cars

I am all for energy conservation. I realize that this earth's buried treasures are limited and there will be a time when they will be depleted. No more oil, no more coal. This might not happen in our lifetime but eventually it will and the powers to be should plan for that eventuality.

Also, to keep our air tolerable changes must be made. It seems that the electric car is a step in that direction. More and more car makers come out with their versions of the electric ergo gasless cars. Sounds like a good idea, but I don't believe in it.

We don't have a high performance car but when we fill it up the gage indicates we have enough fuel for about 400 miles. That is a comfortable number. I saw ads on tv and I think it was Volkswagen who advertised their all electric model that makes about 200 miles per charge. Now, there are parts of this country where just to go to the store and back takes about that much. Even 300 miles per charge would make me very unsure of going on a trip. What if the car gets stuck in a bad traffic jam and runs down the battery?

On a longer trip one has to keep thinking about the distance the car can cover and then start looking for places that provide charging possibilities. In back country I doubt that there would be many such possibility. The other thing is that when one lives in the city and parks the car on the street, where can he charge it. I do see plenty Teslas parked overnight on the streets and none of them are connected to a charger. With a private garage this situation is different because overnight the car can be connected to a charger.

These and many other doubts come up when we talk about electric cars. So for the time being I just stick to the good, old and proven gasoline driven cars.

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