Sunday, June 19, 2022


There are foods that I just love and there are foods I can do without. Married more than once, adjusting became the lead word for my life. There are foods that I just love but my wife hates, and it works the other way around also. I love anything that comes from the waters, sea or fresh water but my wife draws the line at fish.

I really like oysters, clams, shrimp, mussels and garlicky frogs legs. With the exception of fish my wife wouldn't touch any of these fine things. She doesn't realize what she is missing! Abigail is the same way. If I offer a taste to her she would try it but at the end she doesn't like any of these. Like mother like daughter.

I used to ate many of these goodies but I learned to adjust. I always believed that we humans can adjust to anything. Being married multiple times I am the living example to this adage.

I also like exotic foods. I had the opportunity to eat ostrich meat. If prepared well it can be very tasty. I had it in the Caribbean where it tasted great. I had here in the states where it tasted terrible. I also had turtle soup which I liked. That I also had in the Caribbean. In St. Maarten I had goat stew several times and I loved it.

I also love raw fish. Sushi and sashimi are raw fish. If prepared right it can be very tasty. Once we bought tuna and when it was on the kitchen counter I sliced a very thin piece and ate it. It was great. I will not make a habit of eating raw tuna at home abut occasionally it is good. Actually, oysters ad clams are raw, too.

Since my wife is not a great fan of these what remains for me are the good memories.

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