Sunday, June 5, 2022

Ancestry is a company that claim to search out and present us with our family history pretty far back. Well, far back in this country it is only maybe 200-300 years if at all. Where I come from that is nothing, because my country is over a thousand years old.

I keep getting (unsolicited) mail from these people telling me that they can dig up and informed me of my family's history. I am a good guy and don't want to tell them that they have no chance doing this. I was not borne here, I came years ago and in the process I altered my name. My parents and all other relatives stayed in Europe so there are no traces of them anywhere on this side of the globe. I'm sure if I would pay them they would present me with a family history of someone with the same name from Nebraska or Oklahoma wit absolutely no relation to me. 

Watching their commercials I came to the conclusion that anybody who came with the Mayflower or are decendents of black slaves or Irish or Italian emigrants who came through Ellis Island are the only ones who might hope for a detailed family history. If they would expand their services worldwide I might take them upon it. Since I have no living older relative (my mom knew everything) I have no way of knowing my family's history. Since I have no offspring all my knowledge will just stay with me. Sad! 

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