Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Doogie Howser

Do you remember Doogie Howser, M.D.? This was a tv show in the late 1980s about a genius kid who became a licensed doctor at age 14. 

He was smart, he knew everything, he was a genius. Today's kids suffer from the Doogie Howser syndrome. Unfortunately, not all of them are on genius level even if they think they are.

To live 60-70-80 years in this world a person will gather some life experience, and knowledge willfully or just because things do happen. It is human nature to share one's experiences with others. Some will accept it some will resent it, and that is also human nature.

In the case of our children we try to instill our experiences and knowledge, hoping they will come handy in their lives. Sadly, these attempts are frequently rejected. They are rejected with the responses that those things happened long time ago and this is now, and you are old and you have no idea what is happening now.

They never realize the intentions of goodwill. They think that by trying to help them out we are exerting control over their lives. But when all else fails can they stand on their own feet to solve their problems? The answer is no! First ones to turn to are the parents. And if we say I told you so, they get insulted.

These kids should realize that Doogie Howser was a fictional character. There is no Doogie Howser in today's world. 

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