Saturday, July 3, 2021


 I had a haircut the other day. Thank God I still have hair and it seems to grow very well. They say that reflects good health. I hope so!

My barber is an older russian gentleman who does pretty good work. His work matches the american styles.

Anyway he told me that the other day he had a costumer who was born in 1916. Can you believe this? My first (obnoxious) question was did he have hair? He said the man was healthy, wears no glasses, walks without aid and also walks fast. He was a doctor and only retired about five years ago.

I inquired about his nationality and was told he is american. According to my math this guy was 106 years old. Unbelievable!

I am convinced that I can not live to that age because my wife forbade it. I am not sure I can drag it out to 100 because my better half is convinced that if I live that long (or longer) I will certainly ruin her life.

I will let you know at 105 how things turned out. I hope Social Security will still be around. 

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