Sunday, July 11, 2021

Thinking Loud

I figured out a while ago that to have an intelligent conversation with anybody, the best candidate is myself. That prompted me to start frequently talking to me Actually that is a safe way to have a conversation. I usually agree with myself, I never argue with myself. So, the converations are always pleasant.

But it can lead to embarassing situations. One day I was sitting in the car waiting for my wife. To while the timde away we (me and me) started a conversation. But since I was alone I was talking loud. Not loud loud but with voice.

Suddenly I realized that somebody was knocking on the window. It was my wife. I lowered the window and asked what was wrong. She asked who was I talking to, because she saw my lips moving. I told her it was my best conversation partner. Naturally, she was slightly insulted, and called me a crazy old man.

I am not crazy, I have not split personality. I just like to think loud and thus I express my thinking. 


Today is Saturday. The girls are at the hairdresser because Abigail decided to have her hair cut a little, and also put some highlight into the hair. I am sure she will look fine.

But I wonder why women always think of what to do with their hair what they have some spare time. Men never do that. I never thought that should I have hippie style hair or crew cut or mohawk style or should I go bald even though I have lots of spare time. I'm just glad I have hair.

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