Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Smart Kids

We are living in a very lucky time period. On the other hand, this might have been the norm in other times, too.

We are surrounded with kids who are sooo smart! There is no problem, domestic or worldwide that they have no solution to. They have an answer to everything. They know everything better than anybody older than they are. If they carry this enormous knowledge into their future the fate of the world is...

Whenever we have an issue at home and are trying to make a suggestion or advice based on knowledge or experience there is always a retort based on the internet or God knows what. That is why they all walk around with their smartphone glued to their hands because that is the great advisor.

In our house Abigail regularly checks the expiration dates on everything in the refrigerator. A day over, and it is not edible any longer. It does not matter if we explain that the particular item will not turn bad like clockwork on the expiration date, she will not eat it. She claims that she knows better.

In health related issues mom does not know better. The internet does, and that rules out the use of long accepted home remedies.

But when a problem arises that they can not solve where do they turn first? Mom!

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