Today is Memorial Day, the unofficial start of Summer, and I am taking the day off for unofficially start Summer.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Years ago, I used to work on a construction site. On that site there was an engineer who worked for one of the subcontractors. Every time he came into our offices, he asked all of us to empty our pockets. At the beginning and with my limited English vocabulary I thought he was going to rob us. Well, that was not his intention. It turned out he was a serious coin collector.
He looked over all our coins to make sure that us amateurs were not carrying something that had more than face value. Sorry to say none of us had a million dollars' worth coin in our pockets. But still he looked them all over with a magnifying glass, identifying issue dates and places looking for that elusive lucky coin. But it was interesting and educational.
I also got into the habit of looking at our coins at home but so far never found a penny that was worth more than a penny. Maybe one day I will get lucky. I think around 2000 they issued $1 coins. First day I went to the bank and got about ten of them and put them away thinking they will worth something later on. First of all, I have no idea where they are now. Second, they are still only worth $1. They were never popular. Some merchants were not happy to accept them. The only places they are accept them are tolls, parking meter and maybe the Post Office.
A lot of effort from the government's side for nothing. What else is new?
Saturday, May 28, 2022
I love to read. At least I used to love to read. I think I still do because every time I pass something interesting in our home I swear (to myself) that I will read it. We have bookshelves full of books, and then there are books stashed away in bottom of closets. We get some periodicals, but no newspapers.
In the starting years of my life in this country I used to work for a (I'm sure now defunct) company called the Book-of-the-Month Club. As its name suggests, this company published books regularly and every month the employees got a copy of their latest releases. Periodically they also had in-house sales where we could buy books for a $1 each. I used to buy like crazy.
I am proud to say that I read most of them. Actually, I could read them again because I am sure I will not remember them now. Only thing I do remember now is that they were all good books. When I worked in the City, I used to take the subway to work. I had a 45 minute train ride every day in each direction. To avoid just staring out the window or just looking at the people I decided that I would read. So, I started bringing books with me. I read hard cover and paperbacks. Whatever was available and I am very happy about it.
Now I have all the time in the world but I just can not get the energy to start reading. I am afraid I would miss some totally uninteresting and useless tv program or playing some game on my computer. When I go by the bookshelf and look at those books I keep telling myself that I would start reading. But words are cheap when there is no act to follow.
Bottom line, I will start reading (one day).
Friday, May 27, 2022
Some years ago, maybe six, I had the opportunity to walk around a lot in downtown Manhattan in the Village area and in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood. I have to add that Williamsburg was always noted as a heavily Jewish area, but this now changed. The Jewish population remained but other parts of Williamsburg became very affluent, offbeat and also an artists' haven.
Because of a friend who was visiting we saw a lots of coffee shops. These coffee shops were much in vogue and their interior decorations were as minimalistic as possible. Most of their things were so called antiques. Antiques as far they were concerned because most of the clientele were younger people. In one such store they decorated an entire wall with "old" typewriters. The ones that used ribbons.
In another store there were old clothes irons. Some that were preheated over a flame and some that had to have hot coal inside. I also saw hand cranked coffee/sugar grinders, and some other similar stuff.
While the populace didn't pay much attention to these items, I just loved them They brought back memories of my young days. The kitchen stuff was straight from my mother's kitchen. I recognized every type. I grew up with such in my days. Looking at these I became very nostalgic.
Stuff that I grew up with way back then is now considered to be an antique. Am I an antique also?
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Baby formula
It is an accepted fact in today's times that if there is a need of anything this country is always there to help. This has two reasons, one is humanitarian the other is political. There will be Air Force planes flying aid packages to that other country. Probably the federal government much quicker providing help to other countries than offer help domestically.
Here we are facing a serious shortage of baby food formula. I don't know how important baby food formulas are to babies but I guess they are because there is a serious uproar about the shelves being empty. I don't know what I was brought up on when I was a baby but I really don't think they were selling formulas back then. Maybe they did.
I find it very funny that it was shown in the news that a gigantic Air Force plane landed in the US from Germany filled up with baby food formulas. This doesn't mean that all empty shelves fill now mysteriously be filled, but it means that some of the things are reversing in this world. Instead of us giving we are now receiving.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The memory is a very funny thing. Sometimes we try to remember something, and it just does not work. Other times we see something or hear something, and then a light comes on in our brain and signals that yes, this we do remember. Importance has nothing to do with it. Neither when id the memory comes from. Sometimes we do not remember what we ate yesterday for breakfast, sometimes we do remember what we did on our 18th birthday. And believe me, our 18th birthday was much further back than yesterday's breakfast.
Many times I try to remember a name and it is on the tip of my tongue but can not say it. This usually bothers me a lot. I usually say that now I won't be able to sleep because of it. Then just out of the blue, maybe in the middle of the night memory does its thing and that light comes on and there is the answer.
Now, why is this psychoanalysis? One day I was reading an article on a Hungarian website and within that website there was a name. The name was of a Hungarian man. I read it and said to myself this sounds very familiar. The more and more I thought about it the more familiar it became. I was convinced that I had a classmate in the 1950s by that name. I even have a class picture and I am still sure I know which one of us was him.
I asked a very good friend of mine hoping he would remember but sadly he did not. Granted, the kid I thought of was a very quiet kid, he was not in our circle of friends but still, we went to the same class for four years and nobody would remember him. This was very disconcerting. I found pictures of him and he certainly did not look as my other classmates look, but still. I am convinced that even if he is not that classmate, he is somehow related to him.
Just because nobody remembers him, I still trust my memory.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Ukraine, again
Yesterday I was watching a historical documentary about the Hitler's obsession about eliminating the Jews. I have to admit it was a very disturbing showing. There was not much in it I didn't know already but to see it again kind of enforced my previous belief.
Ukrainians as people are nothing but a collective of dirtbags! In my book they do not deserve cold water.
In June 1941 they greeted the occupying German troops with raised arms and looked upon them as their saviors. When the Germans started their antisemitic attacks on the Jewish population these Ukrainians eagerly provided help. They started to abuse the Jews on the streets, beat them and humiliated them many times outdoing the Germans.
When executions started, the Ukrainians didn't need weapons, they eagerly beat the Jews to death with sticks in their hands. In the Ukraine about 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews were killed, in Baby Yar 34,000 in two days. And mostly by Ukrainians. The Germans had no difficulty recruiting Ukrainian volunteers for these jobs, they were willing participants.
In my opinion the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Today's generation grown from the seeds of the older generations. What happened then could happen again if the possibility arises. And the world is forgetting the past and just for political reasons is helping a nation of murderers.
How can the chief rabbi of Ukraine can go front of the world and defend these people? Did he not lose any family back in those days? Even Israel is in an amnesiac mood which is very surprising. Am I the only one who feels this way? If I am that person, it is very sad.
Monday, May 23, 2022
Sunday, May 22, 2022
There is a doctor on tv by the name of Mehmet Oz. He is a Turkish-American tv personality who in my view spent more time being in the public eye than being a practicing doctor. As far as I know his medical career started at the New York's Presbyterian Hospital and he is still practicing in New York.
Now it appears that this Doctor Oz got bored with his career in medicine and with the tv lights and decided to become a US senator. Not just a representative but he is going for the top. And, not in New York but in Pennsylvania. Why did he pick PA?
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer he lived in New Jersey but registered to vote in PA last year using the address of his in-laws. I am sure what he is doing is legal, but it still looks funny. It looks like he looked around to see where he could find an empty senate seat and how could he prove residency and just went for it. Right now he is fighting for the Republican nomination and at this time it looks like he won with a tiny margin.
Hillary Clinton did the same in 2009. Her and her husband were Arkansas residents until he became president. Then they settled in DC, but when his presidency was over they never went back to their home state but chose New York State. Not true residents but good enough to keep good old Hillary occupied and permit her to seek the senatorship.
Mitt Romney, the senator from Utah was born in Michigan then was the governor of Massachusetts and now he represents Utah.
It proves to me that politics is a real dirty business. These people have no loyalty to their home states, all they want is the prestige and power that come with holding high office.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
New homes
As I noted earlier, I like to watch home improvement shows. Not because I really care what the homes look before and after the particular contractors get their work done but because I like to watch the work that is being done and the solutions to the unforeseen problems that always crop up. There is always an unexpected pipe or structural member that needs to be taken care of and that adds an extra $5,000 to $10,000 to the earlier established budget.
I find it interesting how they make these jobs look easy and also fun. Without exception they laugh their way through their work. They always use power tools. They use these power nail guns that make driving nails in wood look very easy. Maybe now a days contractors do this, and I am behind the times. But being involved with construction for many years I found that work methods changed very little as time went by.
On every show I watched the host gets into the act. She or he comes on and for a few minutes makes believe that they really participate. Many times just by watching the way the host holds a tool it becomes obvious that this is just for the camera. They have no real intention getting involved and getting dirty.
But it still is entertaining and gives an idea what alterations cost if I ever want to have a house and if I ever find in my budget an extra $100,000 I don't know what to do with.
Friday, May 20, 2022
Life is very interesting. I sit in a car for a half an hour without moving and when it stops, and I have to get out it is painful. It feels like every joint in my limbs just got welded shut. I wabble like duck for minutes before I can retain my usual knightly gait.
Another problem is bending down. I really have no trouble bending down but I do have trouble straightening up. That second half is the problem. I also walk with a cane. That is not for show, it gives me a safe feeling of balance. Here at home, I don't need it but out on the streets it gives me a secure feeling.
Interesting that sitting down, watching tv everything seems fine. I see activities and I keep telling myself that I could do those things. Could yes, can, no! When these annoying feelings crept up on me? I think they came on slowly because one day I just noticed that this and that were not as easy to do as they used to be.
I think these are the symptoms of ageing. But that's ok, in the next 20 years I'll get used to them!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2022
It is very interesting to see how gasoline prices can fluctuate between gas stations even in the same neighborhood. Ok, so I am obsessed with gas prices. The reason is that right now they are more visible than let's say the price of beef or chicken. There is a gas station on every corner, or some intersections have even four.
We drive a half a mile, and the prices are rarely the same as seen before. Yesterday we did see price differences as much as 30 cents a gallon. That is a lot, at least as I see it. I don't understand what governs gas prices. Probably as in any retail the cost of running the business. I read somewhere that the rent has a lot to do with it. This I can understand.
There is a gas station on a NYC parkway who has probably the highest prices in the City. The owner claimed that the City is charging him enormous rent and that forces his prices up. This is probably through but it does not make it right. These locations are not boutiques. They are not on 5th or Madison Avenues. They are just plain gas stations. So why the big price difference?
I also did notice that prices change in the course of a day. One time I bought gas out on Long Island and when I drove back, on the way home I noticed that the price was lower than what I paid. So, I went in and questioned the owner. He told me that while I was away he received a delivery thus the new price. So every time a tanker truck pulls up to fill their tanks they can change the price of gas to reflect the latest situation.
This is only fair to the operators and certainly not to the drivers. Good country, America!?
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
My wife had to go somewhere today that necessitated filling up the car. After the fill up she called me up sounding very upset. Regular gas at our neighborhood Mobil station vas a little over $5 a gallon. That is a lot. I don't remember ever paying that much here in New York. They say we can expect $6 or even $7 a gallon before the year is up (in New York).
I remember when people were upset that gasoline prices went over $3 a gallon. But that was a very long time ago. Because of the local taxes, gasoline prices vary from state to state. I hear there are locations where they pay over $6 already. That means I should be glad we only pay $5?
The federal government and the state government is not doing anything about this. Washington is busy sending billions to Ukraine. As everybody say if they want peace, why send all the armament?
Gasoline prices go up, retail prices go up, there are shortages in the supermarkets, people can not find baby formulas. How long will this go on? How long will the silent majority will have to stay silent before anything can happen.
The idiots in Washington just grin and smile and try to pull our attention away from these problems. I would like to know at what point will they realize these issues and try to correct them? I will be very surprised if this administration will ever find a solution, instead of creating new problems.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Lately I have been watching basketball. Not that I am a big fan but there are times when there is nothing interesting on tv. The games are fast, the players are huge and interestingly there is a sprinkling of European pro who made it into the American teams. They probably make more money here than they would in Europe.
Here is something that I find interesting. I did know this before but watching these games it became obvious. At every pro game there is a first row, right by courtside that is reserved for the so-called celebrities. These celebrities who make their living off their fans just do not want to mingle with them. They think they are better than the rest of us and because of that tsthey should be treated differently. I have news for them: their s..t smells the same as ours.
They bring their wives, their children and some of them even do not show any interest in the game. Last night I was watching Dallas playing against the Phoenix Suns and the camera showed one of these celebrities dozing off during the game. This is the same thing that in the Disney parks these people do not have to stand in line for the rides like the rest of us simple people.
Are they really VIPs? What makes them important? Their money? I thought we are living in a democratic society where we are all equal. I guess some are more equal than others.
Monday, May 16, 2022
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Poor Abigail got it very hard. This college life is just terrible. Today is Saturday and she had to go in for just one class. That meant getting up earlier, had her mom drive her in the City. Her mom offered to wait for her and drive her home but she said no. Her boyfriend will come and they would spend the day together.
I can understand that. That could be more interesting than being home. But I can also understand if the guy is not overly happy to get up early and travel into Manhattan to be with Abigail. This guy is very lazy. Or I should say comfortable. He likes to sleep late and after that do not much. So, getting up early, getting on the subway and travel into Manhattan just so Abigail would not have to go home might not be number one on his do list for today.
But as far as I know they are now wearing out the Manhattan pavements. I remember when I was young and my girlfriend asked me to do something that she wanted me to do and if it was against my plans, I grudgingly did it but was not very happy about it. It is very interesting that this thing is still the same today. My wife asks, I do. There is no point to complain because I will certainly come up as the loser.
This boyfriend better learn what is in store for him if their relationship is to continue. The old adage says one learns by his own mistakes.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
The other day we took our car to a carwash. We do this periodically because my wife wants the car spic and span clean. I think a nice and dirty car gives out a more macho look than an exceptionally clean car. But as always my views lost. The car went the wash.
In our area there are two such places that provide quick but efficient wash. For around $20 they vacuum the interior of the car, pass it through the wash, handwipe it and that is it. Not a bad deal. One of the two places also give you a frequent washer card which they stamp at each visit and after ten visits the next one is free.
Their price list shows than taxis get a dicount. Their prices are about $5 less than ours. So I suggested my wife that we should say we have a taxi. If asked we tell them that she is taxiing me all around. She didn't like the idea but I think it had merit.
Why give taxis a discount? Individual drivers come and not companies, Ok, taxiis represent a large group of cars. But us, plebians represent a much larger group. There should be plebes discounts also.
Friday, May 13, 2022
I am not a great fan of the Ukrainians as well as the Russians. In my book they deserve each other. The fact that neither one likes the other is a well-known, historical fact. But in the Soviet times they learned to live with each other because back then brotherly love ruled. The same was with Yugoslavia also. The minute these countries broke up old hatreds surfaced. Look what happened in Yugoslavia, Kosovo, and other Balkan wars. They all wanted to wipe each other out. Neighbor against neighbor everywhere.
The breaking up of the Soviet Union resulted in all the member republics escaping and establishing their own independent countries. The mighty Soviet Union became just Russia. Not that it is a small country but nowhere what it used to be. They think they are big, but they are not. And that is what created the Ukrainian conflict. Russia wants a buffer zone around its borders and not NATO countries.
They do not want Ukraine to become member of the EU and NATO. And the only way to prevent it is by having a Russia friendly government there. Zelensky does not fit the bill.
Zelensky wants to keep the power so much that I am inclined to believe that some of the atrocities they claim are being perpetrated by the Russians are done by his own people in order to get world opinion and sympathy on his side. Right now, we don't know the real story. We must believe what we see and hear in the media.
And again, the media is directing world politics.
By the way, today is Friday the 13th!
Thursday, May 12, 2022
In the older times parents used to scare misbehaving children that the bogeyman will come while they are sleeping and will take them. That was supposed to scare them to behave. Well, we don't know if it ever worked and I for one rally don't care.
Now parents scare their children and themselves that the covid monster will come and attack them. Covid is now the new bogeyman. It hangs over all of us, and it scares everybody. We live our lives in constant fear that we may catch it. It seems there is no guarantee that by catching it there is still the possibility of catching it again.
The mother of one of Abigail's girlfriends got it and eventually Abigail's girlfriend also got it. This came out in the open a day after they spent times together. You can imagine how nervous we all were about it waiting to see if Abigail caught it or not.
She had no symptoms but Monday she went to have a test taken. Thankfully the test came back negative. You can imagine how relieved we all were. If she had gotten it that would have affected all of us. But no problem now.
I have to note that my wife is keeping Abigail and herself and me on a very strong vitamin regimen. Those vitamins are. Vitamin D, Zinc, Selene, Vitamin C and various antioxidants (blueberry and ginger). I don't want to jinx this but so far it worked. Who am I to question the wisdom of others! And I hope it will continue to work and the covid monster will not show his face in our house.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Every month or so, or 4-5-6 weeks Robin needs to be taken for grooming. His hair grows faster than mine, well he is younger than I. Grooming includes shampoo, haircut and nail clippings. He is a pretty sport about this. Already know his groomer, a nice young lady. I am not saying he is looking forward to it but accepts his fate with grace.
Up to a few months ago we used to go to one of these giant pet store chains that offered this service but requested the same groomer each time. Then the young lady announced that she was taking maternity leave but would work from home, and if we are interested, she could continue to do Robin. We like the lady, Robin likes the lady and she she would charge less than the store did. That was enough for us to make a decision.
Now, the baby was born but she thankfully did not go back to work, but continues her "practice" from her house. She gives a good service, Robin is happy because when he is done he is not locked in a cage to wait for us but she lets him run around the house.
This Monday was that special day. When he was done he looked beautiful. Hair trimmed, washed, nails trimmed. I bet he knew he looked good because he was very happy. We were happy because it cost us less and got a very good job. Who said money doesn't make you happy?
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Jewish people do not have godchildren. God parents usually become ones at the baptizing of the newborn and that only happens to Christian babies. Yet here I am with two godchildren. One godson and one goddaughter.
We had two very good friends whom we met in the refugee camp and maintained close contact with here in the US. When their son was born in the early 60s they asked my wife, who was protestant to be his godmother. She naturally accepted and just by the process of being there I became the godfather.
Years later when their daughter was born she adopted us to be her godparents. I guess she checked our performance with her brother and decided that we didn't do such a lousy job. So, here we were with two godkids.
When my wife passed away the kids adapted my next wife as their new godmother. Me, I was still around. As years went by these kids grew up and became mature (?) adults. As life went on we kind of lost the close relationships we used to have but I still had a soft spot for them in my heart.
Lately I revived this relationship because I wanted to know how their lives turned out. Thankfully, they responded to my email messages and now we are in constant communication. Visiting is another story because the three of us are living in three different states. But, who knows.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Travel, again
Going back to my wife's travels. LOT Polish Airline is not a bad airline. It provides reasonable and fairly dependent connection to Eastern Europe, specially to Hungary. She told me that the planes were totally full which is interesting at this time of the year. The majority of the passengers were Polish and Ukrainians with a number of orthodox Jews. The latter because there are good connecting flights from Warsaw to Israel.
Interestingly the food was not bad out of JFK. In addition to the food there were soft drinks and even alcohol served. On the return trip to JFK the food was terrible, and drinks were in limited supply with no alcohol. My explanation is that the American airport kitchen is better than the Polish airport kitchen. Maybe yes, maybe no.
The problem with this airline that it is impossible to get in contact with them. It doesn't matter what telephone number one calls, even a New York line it connects somewhere into the bowels of Poland where they have no clue to the local conditions here and if you get lucky enough to get through to a live person you get a generic answer in strong Polish accent to your inquiry. But they are cheaper and in reality, you get what you pay for.
Because of the prevailing sentiment against Americans in Europe, there were almost no tourists visible on any of her planes. That is pretty sad because killing the tourist business will have a negative effect on the hospitality industry also hurting small dependable businesses. Hatefulness cost nothing, it is free, but its consequences are very costly. Unfortunately, people don't take that into consideration when they embark on a trip of hatefulness.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Our building
Our apartment building will undergo an external renovation sometimes in the near future. This is a mandatory repair, correction work mandated by the City. Buildings of a certain age are required to have their joints pointed and other repairs done. This building was built around 1939 and it falls into this category. This is a very tedious work when every brick joint must be checked and if found to be cracked, dried out to be corrected.
In March the contractor erected a sidewalk protective scaffolding around the building, and we were told work would begin in April. Well, April came and left and there was no activity at all. May is now in its sixth day and there is still no sign of any work to start. The landlord notified us of this work and said it is scheduled to be completed in the Fall. I doubt it. These contractors are known to take on more work than they can handle. This type of work is also very weather dependent. If it rains, nobody work.
Most of the buildings in my neighborhood are surrounded with these scaffoldings but very few has anybody doing any work. I can just imagine my landlord climbing the walls because there is still nobody working.
One of the drawbacks of this work that we can not have our window air conditioners installed because they would interfere with this exterior work. We are looking forward to a very hot Summer. The other negative aspect is that the building parking lot (we have no garage) will have to be emptied out when the contractor will be working on that side of the building. This will be very inconvenient because we and everybody else will be forced to park our cars on the street maybe for two months, where parking is always a hassle.
But as we humans do we will survive this also. As we always say, this should be biggest inconvenience in our lives!
Friday, May 6, 2022
Here is something very interesting and disturbing the American media is silent about, in Europe, Eastern Europe specifically. They hate the USA and all Americans so much that violence against them is not rare. If I would get an offer for a free trip, as much as I love to be there, I would not go.
My wife just returned and at every corner she encountered so much anti-American behavior that she was afraid to say that she was from the US. On arrival at the airport, she saw a man slap a passenger who had his American passport in his hand just because he was an American. The airport police just stood there and smiled.
In a bank for bank business as soon as she showed her American passport, they practically threw back her papers, suddenly concluded all business with her. In restaurants she was afraid to say she was there from the US not knowing what they would do to her food.
The streets are full of anti-American graffities and signs, and the media is promoting this kind of behavior.
And what is the reason behind all this? Europeans hold the United States and Biden responsible for the Ukrainian war. The billions of dollars of military supplies America sends to Ukraine just enforce America's need to continue the war. If they would want this war to end why keep sending further military aid? This is everybody's comment over there (and here also). Europeans blame the Americans for the high prices. They say that they are paying so tea Americans can enjoy their luxurious lives.
This attitude is out in the open and also infiltrates family lives. My wife was constantly questioned by her family members why America is doing this. The answer that these are the doings of politicians and not everyday Americans had no weight. They are making all of us responsible for the acts of our government.
The enmity between the US and Russia, going back to the Soviet Union is well known. The fake friendships were just for show while each was praying for the other's downfall. And this Ukrainian war is giving the US's feeling an opportunity to come out to the open. They are making this a modern day Crusade. And history proved it that every Crusade ended in failure!
We, here in the Us are being brainwashed by the Administration and the media into believing that this is a holy war against an unsaintly beast. But the real truth can only be seen when one dares to look what is behind door number one. And my wife did and what she saw scared her.
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Stupid do as stupid does
When somebody is stupid, he can not help it. That is why I say stupid is stupid. My wife used LOT the Polish airline for her trip at this time. It is a good, reliable airline with reasonable price. If things go well, they might reinstate their New York to Budapest non-stop service by summer. But if not, the connection is not bad. The transatlantic leg is from here to Warsaw, there the change to the Budapest leg of the flight. and the reverse on the way home.
The airline advised us that for for US citizens there are no restrictions or demands of any kind for coming back to the US. We called the airline before the trip and they enforced this. When my wife went to Hungary last year the pandemic was here and everywhere. She needed all kinds of documents for both ways of her trip. Coming back to the US she needed negative test result within 72 hours of boarding the plane, which she obtained. This test result is not needed now for US citizens.
Yet, some idiot at the Warsaw airport insisted that it was necessary on the return trip. My wife got into an argument and told them that apparently they don't know the latest rules and they should check with their own airline. Bottom line, she won. But it was nerve wrecking that she might be denied boarding and be stuck in Warsaw.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Today, Tuesday is a big day for us. Today is the day my wife is returning from her overseas trip. In all honesty, I missed her. The house is empty when she is not around. It has some advantages, but they are mainly personal. I can do whatever I want, I can be lazy if I want to be. But these are unimportant things. The bottom line is that at least I missed her.
Abigail is so buried in her academic work that I don't even know if she realized that her mother was not around. Today Abigail has a very long day at the college. Her day starts at 7:30am and ends at 8:30pm. Normally her mom drives her into the City because we don't want her to gttake the subway at such an early hour. Then we drive in and pick her up in the evening.
This time I went in with her on the subway and in the evening her boyfriend picks her up and they come home using Uber. Last week and today was the first that I used the subway in a long time.I don't want to say it was an unforgettable experience but the truth is that I don't miss it. I walk wit a cane and last week a nice lady wanted to give me her seat. I declined because it wasn't hard standing,, but it was nice of her. Today the trains were empty and there were plenty of seats.
Still, if not absolutely necessary, I can live without it.
So, my wife is arriving tonight. As far as I am concerned the house is spick and span clean. Abigail and I worked hard to keep it clean and today I worked even harder. I hope she will be satisfied. I will let you know of her reactions.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
I am not a wine enthusiast. That means if the wine has no fruity and sweet flavor it is lost on me. As such I don't appreciate good wine. Any good wine is wasted on me. I am always smiling when I hear stories about wine auctions where rare vintage wines are auctioned off for a lot of money.
These wines are in somebody's wine cellar for God knows how long and then are sold. The funny part comes when they decide to open the bottle and find that the multi thousand dollar they spent on a bottle is nothing more than vinegar. Somehow air got through the cork and that ruined the wine. Sad, but it happens.
The same thing happened to us. We had a 1969 Tokay Szamorodni in the house. Szamorodni is not tha famous Aszu but it is a good dessert wine, I happen to like. Last week we decided to uncork it and drink it. I was really looking forward to it. A while back we noticed that the wine was less in the bottle than long time ago. It was not dripping, there were no cracks on the body of the bottle. And it was totally sealed.
When we took off the folia covering the cork, we found that the cork sunk into the bottle, like it was sucked in. I don't understand why and how. Anyway, I wanted to try out the wine., so we poured two half glasses. I already had bad feelings about it.
It was terrible. Sour like vinegar. We spit it out and poured the rest down the drain. Sad! It was born in 1969 and ended its existence in 2022. At least it did not cost a fortune.
1969 Tokay Szomorodni went sour
Monday, May 2, 2022
Sunday, May 1, 2022
It wouldn't be nice to say that I enjoy my "lonely" life, but not having my wife in the house for a short time has its advantages. Usually, we are together 24/7 and I'm ok with that. She tells me what to do and when to do it. She also makes sure I am well fed. Now, with the absence of these things my life is a little different.
Here is a typical schedule of one of these days:
around 9am--I get up, make my coffee, sit down and watch a news program
around 10am--I take my morning shower, fix myself up, get dressed and get ready for what the day will bring
around 11am--I have my breakfast, which is cereal usually, not much work involved, after breakfast I sit at the computer, check any email, play some games then when I had enough back to the tv
around 2pm--I have some lunch. That is usually a sandwich. After lunch I relax which means more tv. I also take Robin out for his pee time.
I have to add, that Abigail goes off to college in the morning around 8am. I prepare her lunch which is usually a sandwich, bottle of water and some sweets. After she leaves, I go back for more sleep.
around 5pm-- Abigail gets home, takes Robin out, again. She starts doing her homework, while I still just relax. Somewhere before Abigail gets home, I do a cursory cleaning of the apartment because my wife believes that if we don't clean every day, we will be knee deep in dirt. So, I also clean.
around 8pm-- we have dinner. That varies. She did prepare some stuff before leaving but when it is gone, we will have to fend for ourselves. Pizza, Chines, other takeout available in our neighborhoods. After dinner I watch more tv.
11pm--we take Robbin out for his final walk for the day. Pee and poop are on schedule. After that the day is over.
Not very exciting but pretty relaxing. Now, when my wife is home, this is completely different because we have useful things to do. Like laundry, serious cleaning, going ot shopping and similarly interesting things.
Don't you just envy me?