Friday, May 13, 2022


 I am not a great fan of the Ukrainians as well as the Russians. In my book they deserve each other. The fact that neither one likes the other is a well-known, historical fact. But in the Soviet times they learned to live with each other because back then brotherly love ruled. The same was with Yugoslavia also. The minute these countries broke up old hatreds surfaced. Look what happened in Yugoslavia, Kosovo, and other Balkan wars. They all wanted to wipe each other out. Neighbor against neighbor everywhere.

The breaking up of the Soviet Union resulted in all the member republics escaping and establishing their own independent countries. The mighty Soviet Union became just Russia. Not that it is a small country but nowhere what it used to be. They think they are big, but they are not. And that is what created the Ukrainian conflict. Russia wants a buffer zone around its borders and not NATO countries.

They do not want Ukraine to become member of the EU and NATO. And the only way to prevent it is by having a Russia friendly government there. Zelensky does not fit the bill. 

Zelensky wants to keep the power so much that I am inclined to believe that some of the atrocities they claim are being perpetrated by the Russians are done by his own people in order to get world opinion and sympathy on his side. Right now, we don't know the real story. We must believe what we see and hear in the media.

And again, the media is directing world politics. 

By the way, today is Friday the 13th!  

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