Sunday, May 1, 2022


It wouldn't be nice to say that I enjoy my "lonely" life, but not having my wife in the house for a short time has its advantages. Usually, we are together 24/7 and I'm ok with that. She tells me what to do and when to do it. She also makes sure I am well fed. Now, with the absence of these things my life is a little different.

Here is a typical schedule of one of these days:

around 9am--I get up, make my coffee, sit down and watch a news program

around 10am--I take my morning shower, fix myself up, get dressed and get ready for what the day will bring

around 11am--I have my breakfast, which is cereal usually, not much work involved, after breakfast I sit at the computer, check any email, play some games then when I had enough back to the tv

around 2pm--I have some lunch. That is usually a sandwich. After lunch I relax which means more tv. I also take Robin out for his pee time.

I have to add, that Abigail goes off to college in the morning around 8am. I prepare her lunch which is usually a sandwich, bottle of water and some sweets. After she leaves, I go back for more sleep.

around 5pm-- Abigail gets home, takes Robin out, again. She starts doing her homework, while I still just relax. Somewhere before Abigail gets home, I do a cursory cleaning of the apartment because my wife believes that if we don't clean every day, we will be knee deep in dirt. So, I also clean.

around 8pm-- we have dinner. That varies. She did prepare some stuff before leaving but when it is gone, we will have to fend for ourselves. Pizza, Chines, other takeout available in our neighborhoods. After dinner I watch more tv. 

11pm--we take Robbin out for his final walk for the day. Pee and poop are on schedule. After that the day is over.

Not very exciting but pretty relaxing. Now, when my wife is home, this is completely different because we have useful things to do. Like laundry, serious cleaning, going ot shopping and similarly interesting things. 

Don't you just envy me?

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