Friday, May 27, 2022


Some years ago, maybe six, I had the opportunity to walk around a lot in downtown Manhattan in the Village area and in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood. I have to add that Williamsburg was always noted as a heavily Jewish area, but this now changed. The Jewish population remained but other parts of Williamsburg became very affluent, offbeat and also an artists' haven.

Because of a friend who was visiting we saw a lots of coffee shops. These coffee shops were much in vogue and their interior decorations were as minimalistic as possible. Most of their things were so called antiques. Antiques as far they were concerned because most of the clientele were younger people. In one such store they decorated an entire wall with "old" typewriters. The ones that used ribbons.

In another store there were old clothes irons. Some that were preheated over a flame and some that had to have hot coal inside. I also saw hand cranked coffee/sugar grinders, and some other similar stuff.

While the populace didn't pay much attention to these items, I just loved them They brought back memories of my young days. The kitchen stuff was straight from my mother's kitchen. I recognized every type. I grew up with such in my days. Looking at these I became very nostalgic.

Stuff that I grew up with way back then is now considered to be an antique. Am I an antique also?   

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